特集 アジアの理学療法 特集に寄せて:アジア諸国からのメッセージ
所属機関: 1
ページ範囲:P.404 - P.405
文献購入ページに移動Cambodian Physical Therapy Association(CPTA)was established by a team of Cambodian physical therapist(PT)in 1994 and was recognized by Ministry of Interior of the Royal Government of Cambodia on August 18, 1997. The association is comprised of national qualified physical therapists graduated from Technical School for Medical Care, which is under supervision of University of Health Science, Ministry of Health. In 1987 as there was so many war victim survivors, Handicap International Organization(HI)entered to Cambodia as an emergency organization to support to those victims. Amputees due to war is considered first, they may need mobility aid. To support on this we may need human resource so that PT and P & O was considered to be trained. Government at that decade called Republic people of KAMPUCHEA there is no PT and P & O human resource not just that period but since long time ago.
Handicap International Organization negotiated to nursing school in order to establish a session pf physical therapy. The government agreed so the process of PT training was started by inviting government staff from hospital and department of social affair. 18 of them were invited to start a special course for 2 years, the instructors mostly HI foreigner staff and the training was in French. Since 1989 as we has this human resource training curriculum was Khmer and French the training was three years to get national diploma of physiotherapy. Up to 2007, there are 235 physical therapist 74 female(31.5%). Only one school called Technical School for Medical Care. 3 years training course to get national diploma degree.