特集 Inner & Intrinsic Muscles—筋による関節の安定化,姿勢調整機能を探る
1)Fleisig GS, et al:Kinematic and kinetic comparison of baseball pitching among various levels of development. J Biomech 1999;32:1371-1375
2)Werner SL, et al:Relationships between throwing mechanics and shoulder distraction in professional baseball pitchers. Am J Sports Med 2001;29:354-358
3)DiGiovine NM, et al:An electromyographic analysis of the upper extremity in pitching. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 1992;1:15-25
5)Burd NA, et al:Low-load high volume resistance exercise stimulates muscle protein synthesis more than high-load low volume resistance exercise in young men. PLoS One 2010;5:e12033. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0012033
6)Schoenfeld BJ, et al:Effects of different volume-equated resistance training loading strategies on muscular adaptations in well-trained men. J Strength Cond Res 2014;28:2909-2918
7)Kang MH, et al:Differences in muscle activities of the infraspinatus and posterior deltoid during shoulder external rotation in open kinetic chain and closed kinetic chain exercises. J Phys Ther Sci 2014;26:895-897
8)Uhl TM, et al:Shoulder musculature activation during upper extremity weight-bearing exercise. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2003;33:109-117
9)Lee D, et al:Changes in the electromyographic activities of the infraspinatus and posterior deltoid according to abduction angles of the shoulder joint during shoulder external rotation in closed kinetic chain exercise. J Phys Ther Sci 2016;28:2748-2750