Close-up MCID
MCID(minimal clinically important difference)は,治療効果を判断する基準の一つであり,臨床試験において,臨床的重要性を反映する患者立脚型評価の改善の程度のベンチマークとして使用されている1).過去数十年で医療研究の重点は統計学的有意性から臨床関連性へと変遷しており2),このためにMCIDが重視されるようになった.
MCID(minimal clinically important difference)は,治療効果を判断する基準の一つであり,臨床試験において,臨床的重要性を反映する患者立脚型評価の改善の程度のベンチマークとして使用されている1).過去数十年で医療研究の重点は統計学的有意性から臨床関連性へと変遷しており2),このためにMCIDが重視されるようになった.
1)Sedaghat AR:Understanding the minimal clinically important difference(MCID)of patient-reported outcome measures. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2019;161:551-560
2)Draak THP, et al:The minimum clinically important difference:which direction to take. Eur J Neurol 2019;26:850-855
3)Fulk GD, et al:Minimal clinically important difference of the 6-minute walk test in people with stroke. J Neurol Phys Ther 2018;42:235-240
4)Beninato M, et al:Determination of the minimal clinically important difference in the FIM instrument in patients with stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2006;87:32-39
5)Chen CL, et al:Responsiveness and minimal clinically important difference of Modified Ashworth Scale in patients with stroke. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2019;55:754-760
6)Bohannon RW, et al:Minimal clinically important difference for change in comfortable gait speed of adults with pathology:a systematic review. J Eval Clin Pract 2014;20:295-300
7)Norman GR, et al:Interpretation of changes in health-related quality of life:the remarkable universality of half a standard deviation. Med Care 2003;41:582-592
8)Lang CE, et al:Estimating minimal clinically important differences of upper-extremity measures early after stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2008;89:1693-1700
9)Tilson JK, et al:Meaningful gait speed improvement during the first 60 days poststroke:minimal clinically important difference. Phys Ther 2010;90:196-208
10)Bohannon RW, et al:Minimal clinically important difference for comfortable speed as a measure of gait performance in patients undergoing inpatient rehabilitation after stroke. J Phys Ther Sci 2013;25:1223-1225
11)Fulk GD, et al:Estimating clinically important change in gait speed in people with stroke undergoing outpatient rehabilitation. J Neurol Phys Ther 2011;35:82-89
12)Tamura S, et al:The minimal clinically important difference in Berg Balance Scale scores among patients with early subacute stroke:a multicenter, retrospective, observational study. Top Stroke Rehabil 2022;29:423-429
13)熊谷謙一,他:脳卒中治療の効果判定におけるStroke Impairment Assessment Setの有用性—NIHSS,BI,FIMとの比較検討.理学療法学2015;42:554-561
14)Hsieh YW, et al:Establishing the minimal clinically important difference of the Barthel Index in stroke patients. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2007;21:233-238