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BRAIN and NERVE-神経研究の進歩61巻12号


特集 Somatotopy再考


著者: 湯浅茂樹1

所属機関: 1国立精神・神経センター神経研究所微細構造研究部

ページ範囲:P.1395 - P.1404






1) Quirk GJ, Beer JS: Prefrontal involvement in the regulation of emotion: convergence of rat and human studies. Curr Opinion Neurobiol 16: 723-727, 2006
2) Marschner A, Kalisch R, Vervliet B, Vansteenwegen D, Buechel C: Dissociable roles for the hippocampus and the amygdala in human cued versus context fear conditioning. J Neurosci 28: 9030-9036, 2008
3) Amaral DG, Schumann CM, Nordahl CW: Neuroanatomy of autism. Trends Neurosci 31: 137-145, 2008
4) Quirk G, Mueller D: Neural mechanisms of extinction learning and retrieval. Neuropsychopharmacol 33: 56-72, 2008
5) Kauer JA, Malenka RC: Synaptic plasticity and addiction. Nature Rev Neurosci 8: 844-858, 2007
6) Morecraft RJ, McNeal DW, Stilwell-Morecraft KS, Gedney M, Ge J, et al: Amygdala interconnections with the cingulated motor cortex in the rhesus monkey. J Comp Neurol 500: 134-165, 2007
7) Morecraft RJ, Stilwell-Morecraft KS, Rossing WR: The motor cortex and facial expression. Neurologist 10: 235-249, 2004
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16) Soma M, Aizawa H, Ito Y, Maekawa M, Osumi N, et al: Development of the mouse amygdala as revealed by enhanced green fluorescent protein gene transfer by means of in utero electroporation. J Comp Neurol 513: 113-128, 2009
17) Sugino K, Hempel CM, Miller MN, Hattox AM, Shapiro P, et al: Molecular taxonomy of major neuronal classes in the adult mouse forebrain. Nature Neurosci 9: 99-107, 2006





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