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BRAIN and NERVE-神経研究の進歩63巻8号




著者: 鈴木圭輔1 中村利生2 伊澤直樹1 橋本謙一1 大内慶太1 相場彩子1 平田幸一1

所属機関: 1獨協医科大学神経内科 2リハビリテーション天草病院脳神経内科

ページ範囲:P.884 - P.889



 原発性進行性失語(primary progressive aphasia:PPA)はMesulamにより提唱された,発症2年以内は失語が優位症状となる非アルツハイマー型限局性脳萎縮を呈する疾患であり1),進行性非流暢性失語(progressive nonfluent aphasia:PNFA)を含み,病理学的には大脳皮質基底核変性症(corticobasal degeneration:CBD),進行性核上性麻痺(progressive supranuclear palsy:PSP)などのタウオパチー,アルツハイマー病,前頭側頭型認知症,ユビキチン陽性前頭側頭葉変性症などを含む症候群であることがわかってきている2,3)



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5) Rohrer JD, Rossor MN, Warren JD: Syndromes of nonfluent primary progressive aphasia: a clinical and neurolinguistic analysis. Neurology 75: 603-610, 2010
6) Mimura M, Oda T, Tsuchiya K, Kato M, Ikeda K, et al: Corticobasal degeneration presenting with nonfluent primary progressive aphasia: a clinicopathological study. J Neurol Sci 183: 19-26, 2001
7) Josephs KA, Duffy JR: Apraxia of speech and nonfluent aphasia: a new clinical marker for corticobasal degeneration and progressive supranuclear palsy. Curr Opin Neurol 21: 688-692, 2008
8) Ikeda K, Akiyama H, Iritani S, Kase K, Arai T, et al: Corticobasal degeneration with primary progressive aphasia and accentuated cortical lesion in superior temporal gyrus: case report and review. Acta Neuropathol 92: 534-539, 1996
9) Kimura N, Kumamoto T, Hanaoka T, Hazama Y, Nakamura K, et al: Corticobasal degeneration presenting with progressive conduction aphasia. J Neurol Sci 269: 163-168, 2008
10) Mochizuki A, Ueda Y, Komatsuzaki Y, Tsuchiya K, Arai T, et al: Progressive supranuclear palsy presenting with primary progressive aphasia--clinicopathological report of an autopsy case. Acta Neuropathol 105: 610-614, 2003
11) Sakurai Y, Hashida H, Uesugi H, Arima K, Murayama S, et al: A clinical profile of corticobasal degeneration presenting as primary progressive aphasia. Eur Neurol 36: 134-137, 1996
12) Takao M, Tsuchiya K, Mimura M, Momoshima S, Kondo H, et al: Corticobasal degeneration as cause of progressive non-fluent aphasia: clinical, radiological and pathological study of an autopsy case. Neuropathology 26: 569-578, 2006
13) Zadikoff C, Lang AE: Apraxia in movement disorders. Brain 128: 1480-1497, 2005
14) Ling H, O'Sullivan SS, Holton JL, Revesz T, Massey LA, et al: Does corticobasal degeneration exist? A clinicopathological re-evaluation. Brain 133: 2045-2057, 2010
15) Dickson DW, Ahmed Z, Algom AA, Tsuboi Y, Josephs KA: Neuropathology of variants of progressive supranuclear palsy. Curr Opin Neurol 23: 394-400, 2010
16) Mizuno T, Shiga K, Nakata Y, Nagura J, Nakase T, et al: Discrepancy between clinical and pathological diagnoses of CBD and PSP. J Neurol 252: 687-697, 2005
17) 野田和幸, 小林智則, 松岡周二, 高梨雅史, 金澤 章, 他: パーキンソニズムに眼球運動障害と開瞼困難を伴い, 仮性球麻痺が目立った65歳男性. No To Shinkei 57: 73-86, 2005
18) Scaravilli T, Tolosa E, Ferrer I: Progressive supranuclear palsy and corticobasal degeneration: lumping versus splitting. Mov Disord 20: S21-S28, 2005





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