酒田先生は東京大学医学部をご卒業後,東京大学脳研究施設の時実利彦先生のもと海馬機能の研究で学位を取得され,1964年に大阪市立大学医学部第一生理学教室(当時:浅沼 広教授)助手に就かれました。1972年に,同年に開所された東京都神経科学総合研究所に移られてご研究を続けられ,1987年に日本大学医学部第一生理学教室に教授として赴任され,2000年まで同職をお務めになられました。また,ご退職ののちは,日本大学教授(非常勤)を経て,2001年から2009年まで東京聖栄大学の教授を務めておられます。
酒田先生は東京大学医学部をご卒業後,東京大学脳研究施設の時実利彦先生のもと海馬機能の研究で学位を取得され,1964年に大阪市立大学医学部第一生理学教室(当時:浅沼 広教授)助手に就かれました。1972年に,同年に開所された東京都神経科学総合研究所に移られてご研究を続けられ,1987年に日本大学医学部第一生理学教室に教授として赴任され,2000年まで同職をお務めになられました。また,ご退職ののちは,日本大学教授(非常勤)を経て,2001年から2009年まで東京聖栄大学の教授を務めておられます。
1) Katsuyama N, Yamashita A, Sawada K, Naganuma T, Sakata H, Taira M: Functional and histological properties of caudal intraparietal area of macaque monkey. Neuroscience 167: 1-10, 2010
2) Sato N, Sakata H, Tanaka YL, Taira M: Context-dependent place-selective responses of the neurons in the medial parietal region of macaque monkeys. Cereb Cortex 20: 846-858, 2010
3) Sato N, Sakata H, Tanaka YL, Taira M: Navigation-associated medial parietal neurons in monkeys. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 103: 17001-17006, 2006
4) Tsutsui K, Taira M, Sakata H: Neural mechanisms of three-dimensional vision. Neurosci Res 51: 221-229, 2005
5) Sakata H, Tsutsui K, Taira M: Toward an understanding of the neural processing for 3D shape perception. Neuropsychologia 43: 151-161, 2005
6) Sato N, Sakata H, Tanaka Y, Taira M: Navigation in virtual environment by the macaque monkey. Behav Brain Res 153: 287-291, 2004
7) Sakata H: The role of the parietal cortex in grasping. Adv Neurol 93: 121-139, 2003
8) Tsutsui K, Jiang M, Sakata H, Taira M: Short-term memory and perceptual decision for three-dimensional visual features in the caudal intraparietal sulcus (Area CIP). J Neurosci 23: 5486-5495, 2003
9) Tsutsui K, Sakata H, Naganuma T, Taira M: Neural correlates for perception of 3D surface orientation from texture gradient. Science 298: 409-412, 2002
10) Tsutsui K, Jiang M, Yara K, Sakata H, Taira M: Integration of perspective and disparity cues in surface-orientation-selective neurons of area CIP. J Neurophysiol 86: 2856-2867, 2001
11) Nakamura H, Kuroda T, Wakita M, Kusunoki M, Kato A, Mikami A, Sakata H, Itoh K: From three-dimensional space vision to prehensile hand movements: the lateral intraparietal area links the area V3A and the anterior intraparietal area in macaques. J Neurosci 21: 8174-8187, 2001
12) Endo K, Haranaka Y, Shein WN, L Adams D, Kusunoki M, Sakata H: Effects of different types of disparity cues on the response of axis-orientation selective cells in the monkey parietal cortex. Jpn J Ophthalmol 44: 692, 2000
13) Taira M, Tsutsui KI, Jiang M, Yara K, Sakata H: Parietal neurons represent surface orientation from the gradient of binocular disparity. J Neurophysiol 83: 3140-3146, 2000
14) Murata A, Gallese V, Luppino G, Kaseda M, Sakata H: Selectivity for the shape, size, and orientation of objects for grasping in neurons of monkey parietal area AIP. J Neurophysiol 83: 2580-2601, 2000
15) Sakata H, Taira M, Kusunoki M, Murata A, Tsutsui K, Tanaka Y, Shein WN, Miyashita Y: Neural representation of three-dimensional features of manipulation objects with stereopsis. Exp Brain Res 128: 160-169, 1999
16) Sakata H, Taira M, Kusunoki M, Murata A, Tanaka Y, Tsutsui K: Neural coding of 3D features of objects for hand action in the parietal cortex of the monkey. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 353: 1363-1373, 1998
17) Sakata H, Taira M, Kusunoki M, Murata A, Tanaka Y: The TINS Lecture: the parietal association cortex in depth perception and visual control of hand action. Trends Neurosci 20: 350-357, 1997
18) Faillenot I, Sakata H, Costes N, Decety J, Jeannerod M: Visual working memory for shape and 3D-orientation: a PET study. Neuroreport 8: 859-862, 1997
19) Shikata E, Tanaka Y, Nakamura H, Taira M, Sakata H: Selectivity of the parietal visual neurones in 3D orientation of surface of stereoscopic stimuli. Neuroreport 7: 2389-2394, 1996
20) Murata A, Gallese V, Kaseda M, Sakata H: Parietal neurons related to memory-guided hand manipulation. J Neurophysiol 75: 2180-2186, 1996
21) Sakata H, Taira M, Murata A, Mine S: Neural mechanisms of visual guidance of hand action in the parietal cortex of the monkey. Cereb Cortex 5: 429-438, 1995
22) Jeannerod M, Arbib MA, Rizzolatti G, Sakata H: Grasping objects: the cortical mechanisms of visuomotor transformation. Trends Neurosci 18: 314-320, 1995
23) Sakata H, Taira M: Parietal control of hand action. Curr Opin Neurobiol 4: 847-856, 1994
24) Gallese V, Murata A, Kaseda M, Niki N, Sakata H: Deficit of hand preshaping after muscimol injection in monkey parietal cortex. Neuroreport 5: 1525-1529, 1994
25) Sakata H, Shibutani H, Ito Y, Tsurugai K, Mine S, Kusunoki M: Functional properties of rotation-sensitive neurons in the posterior parietal association cortex of the monkey. Exp Brain Res 101: 183-202, 1994
26) Sakata H, Kusunoki M: Organization of space perception: neural representation of three-dimensional space in the posterior parietal cortex. Curr Opin Neurobiol 2: 170-174, 1992
27) Taira M, Mine S, Georgopoulos AP, Murata A, Sakata H: Parietal cortex neurons of the monkey related to the visual guidance of hand movement. Exp Brain Res 83: 29-36, 1990
28) Sakata H, Shibutani H, Ito Y, Tsurugai K: Parietal cortical neurons responding to rotary movement of visual stimulus in space. Exp Brain Res 61: 658-663, 1986
29) Sakata H, Shibutani H, Kawano K, Harrington TL: Neural mechanisms of space vision in the parietal association cortex of the monkey. Vision Res 25: 453-463, 1985
30) Shibutani H, Sakata H, Hyvärinen J: Saccade and blinking evoked by microstimulation of the posterior parietal association cortex of the monkey. Exp Brain Res 55: 1-8, 1984
31) Sakata H, Shibutani H, Kawano K: Functional properties of visual tracking neurons in posterior parietal association cortex of the monkey. J Neurophysiol 49: 1364-1380, 1983
32) Sakata H, Shibutani H, Kawano K: Spatial properties of visual fixation neurons in posterior parietal association cortex of the monkey. J Neurophysiol 43: 1654-1672, 1980
33) Sakata H, Shibutani H, Kawano K: Parietal neurons with dual sensitivity to real and induced movements of visual target. Neurosci Lett 9: 165-169, 1978
34) Mountcastle VB, Lynch JC, Georgopoulos A, Sakata H, Acuna C: Posterior parietal association cortex of the monkey: command functions for operations within extrapersonal space. J Neurophysiol 38: 871-908, 1975
35) Sakata H, Takaoka Y, Kawarasaki A, Shibutani H: Somatosensory properties of neurons in the superior parietal cortex (area 5) of the rhesus monkey. Brain Res 64: 85-102, 1973
36) Mountcastle VB, Talbot WH, Sakata H, Hyvärinen J: Cortical neuronal mechanisms in flutter-vibration studied in unanesthetized monkeys: neuronal periodicity and frequency discrimination. J Neurophysiol 32: 452-484, 1969
37) Hyvarinen J, Sakata H, Talbot WH, Mountcastle VB: Neuronal coding by cortical cells of the frequency of oscillating peripheral stimuli. Science 162: 1130-1132, 1968
38) 浅沼 広, 酒田英夫: 錐体路細胞の一般性質およびその機能的配列. No To Shinkei 17: 1094-1099, 1965
39) Fujita Y, Sakata H: Electrophysiological properties of CA1 and CA2 apical dendrites of rabbit hippocampus. J Neurophysiol 25: 209-222, 1962