増大特集 神経症候学は神経学の“魂”である
ウイリアム・ガワーズは臨床神経学の偉大なパイオニアの1人であり,神経学のバイブルとされる教科書『A Manual of Diseases of the Nervous System』の著者でもある。彼の神経学は患者からの詳細な病歴聴取,注意深く細心の診察から得られた徴候,症状の膨大な蓄積をもとに構築され完成されたものである。彼の偉大さは立派な臨床神経科医であることに加えて,その熱心な教育者としての考え方および態度である。彼を深く知ることで神経学の魂に触れることができよう。
1) Critchley M: Sir William Gowers 1845-1915: A biographical appreciation. William Heinemann Medical Books, London, 1949
2) Gowers WR: Preface to the American edition. A Manual of Diseases of the Nervous System. American ed. P Blakiston's Son & Co, Philadelphia, 1888
3) Scott A, Eadie M, Lees A: Manual of diseases of the nervous system. William Richard Gowers 1845-1915: Exploring the Victorian Brain. Oxford University Press, London, 2012, pp149-168
4) Gowers WR: The Diagnosis of Diseases of the Spinal Cord. J & A Churchill, London, 1880
5) Gowers WR: A Manual and Atlas of Medical Ophthalmoscopy. J & A Churchill, London, 1879
6) Gowers WR: Epilepsy and other Chronic Convulsive Disorders: their Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. J & A Churchill, London, 1881
7) Gowers WR: Pseudo-Hypertrophic Muscular Paralysis: A Clinical Lecture. J & A Churchill, London, 1879, p35
8) Gowers WR: Carditis. Reynold JR (ed): A System of Medicine, Vol 4.Macmillan, London, 1877, pp529-531
9) Gowers WR: Atrophy of the heart. Reynold JR (ed): A System of Medicine, Vol 4.Macmillan, London, 1877, pp687-691
10) Gowers WR: Hypertrophy of the heart. Reynold JR (ed): A System of Medicine, Vol 4.Macmillan, London, 1877, pp692-728
11) Gowers WR: Dilatation of the heart. Reynold JR (ed): A System of Medicine, Vol 4.Macmillan, London, 1877, pp729-759
12) Gowers WR: Fatty disease of the heart. Reynold JR (ed): A System of Medicine, Vol 4.Macmillan, London, 1877, pp760-790
13) Gowers WR: Fibroid disease of the heart. Reynold JR (ed): A System of Medicine, Vol 4.Macmillan, London, 1877, pp791-794
14) Gowers WR: Splenic leucocythaemia. Reynold JR (ed): A System of Medicine, Vol 5.Macmillan, London, 1877, 4, 697-796
15) Critchley M: The beginnings of the National Hospital, Queen Square (1859-1860). BMJ 1(5189): 1829-1837, 1960
16) Jackson JH: On the anatomical, physiological, and pathological investigation of epilepsies. Selected Writings of John Hughlings Jackson. Vol 1.Hodder and Stoughton Limited, London, 1931, pp101-102
17) Pearce JM: Romberg and his sign. Eur Neurol 53: 210-213, 2005
18) Gowers WR: Cases of convulsion in organic brain-disease. Hughling Jackson (ed): On the Anatomical and Physiological Localisation of Movements in the Brain. J & A Churchill, London, 1874
19) Gowers WR: The Border-land of Epilepsy. Faints, Vagal Attacks, Vertigo, Migraine, Sleep Symptoms, and Their Tratment. J & A Churchill, London, 1907
20) Gowers WR: Special sense discharges from organic disease. Lancet 174: 1803-1808, 1909; Brain 32: 303-326, 1910