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BRAIN and NERVE-神経研究の進歩66巻11号


増大特集 神経症候学は神経学の“魂”である


著者: 山本晴子1

所属機関: 1国立循環器病研究センター先進医療・治験推進部

ページ範囲:P.1372 - P.1377




1) Bogousslavsky J: Should the Babinski sign be part of the routine neurologic examination? Neurology 23: 1607-1609, 2006
2) Bogousslavsky J, Regli F: Upgaze palsy and monocular paresis of downward gaze from ipsilateral thalamo-mesencephalic infarction: a vertical "one-and-a-half" syndrome. J Neurol 231: 43-45, 1984
3) Bogousslavsky J, Regli F, Ghika J, Feidmeyer JJ: Painful ataxic hemiparesis. Arch Neurol 41: 892-893, 1984
4) Bogousslavsky J, Regli F, Zogratos L, Uske A: Optico-cerebral syndrome: simultaneous hemodynamic infarction of optic nerve and brain. Neurology 1987: 263-268, 1987
5) Bogousslavsky J, van Melle G, Regli F: The Lausanne Stroke Registry: analysis of 1,000 consecutive patients with first stroke. Stroke 19: 1083-1092, 1988
6) Carrera E, Maeder-Ingvar M, Rossetti AO, Devuyst G, Bogousslavsky J: Trends in risk factors, patterns and causes in hospitalized strokes over 25 years: The Lausanne Stroke Registry. Cerebrovasc Dis 24: 97-103, 2007
7) Bogousslavsky J, van Melle G, Regli F: Middle cerebral artery pial territory infarcts: a study of the Lausanne Stroke Registry. Ann Neurol 25: 555-560, 1989
8) Bogousslavsky J, Regli F: Anterior cerebral artery territory infarction in the Lausanne Stroke Registry: clinical and etiologic patterns. Arch Neurol 47: 144-150, 1990
9) Bogousslavsky J: Double infarction in one cerebral hemisphere. Ann Neurol 30: 12-18, 1991
10) Bernasconi A, Bogousslavsky J, Bassetti C, Regli F: Multiple acute infarcts in the posterior circulation. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 60: 289-296, 1996
11) Canaple S, Bogousslavsky J: Multiple large and small cerebellar infarcts. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 66: 739-745, 1999
12) Heinsius T, Bogousslavsky J, Van Melle G: Large infarcts in the middle cerebral artery territory. Etiology and outcome patterns. Neurology 50: 341-350, 1998
13) Russmann H, Vingerhoets F, Ghika J, Maeder P, Bogousslavsky J: Acute infarction limited to the lenticular nucleus: clinical, etiologic, and topographic features. Arch Neurol 60: 351-5, 2003
14) Carrera E, Michel P, Bogousslavsky J: Anteromedian, central, and posterolateral infarcts of the thalamus: three variant types. Stroke 35: 2826-2831, 2004
15) Perren F, Clarke S, Bogousslavsky J: The syndrome of combined polar and paramedian thalamic infarction. Arch Neurol 62: 1212-1216, 2005
16) Kumral E, Bogousslavsky J, Van Melle G, Regli F, Pierre P: Headache at stroke onset: the Lausanne Stroke Registry. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 58: 490-492, 1995
17) Ghika-Schmid F, Ghika J, Regli F, Bogousslavsky J: Hyperkinetic movement disorders during and after acute stroke: the Lausanne Stroke Registry. J Neurol Sci 146: 109-116, 1997
18) Rossetti AO, Ghika JA, Vingerhoets F, Novy J, Bogousslavsky J: Neurogenic pain and abnormal movements contralateral to an anterior parietal artery stroke. Arch Neurol 60: 1004-1006, 2003
19) de Freitas GR, Devuyst G, van Melle G, Bogousslavsky J: Motor strokes sparing the leg: different lesions and causes. Arch Neurol 57: 513-518, 2000
20) Bogousslavsky J, Cachin C, Regli F, Despland PA, Van Melle G, et al: Cardiac sources of embolism and cerebral infarction——clinical consequences and vascular concomitants: the Lausanne Stroke Registry. Neurology 41: 855-859, 1991
21) Tatu L, Moulin T, Bogousslavsky J, Duvemoy H: Arterial territories of the human brain: brainstem and cerebellum. Neurology 47: 1125-1135, 1996
22) Tatu L, Moulin T, Bogousslavsky J, Duvemoy H: Arterial territories of the human brain: cerebral hemispheres. Neurology 50: 1699-1708, 1998
23) Bogousslavsky J, Regli F: Response-to-next-patient-stimuation: a right hemisphere syndrome. Neurology 38: 1225-1227, 1988
24) Bogousslavsky J, Regli F, Assal G: Acute transcortical mixed aphasia: a carotid occlusion syndrome with pial and watershed infarcts. Brain 111: 631-641, 1988
25) Staub F, Bogousslavsky J: Fatigue after stroke: a major but neglected issue. Cerebrovasc Dis 12: 75-81, 2001
26) Radman N, Staub F, Aboulafia-Brakha T, Berney A, Bogousslavsky J, et al: Poststroke fatigue following minor infarcts: a prospective study. Neurology 79: 1422-1427, 2012
27) Paciaroni M, Bogousslavsky J: How did stroke become of interest to neurologists?: a slow 19th century saga. Neurology 73: 724-728, 2009
28) Bogousslavsky J: Sigmund Freud's evolution from neurology to psychiatry: evidence from his La Salpetriere library. Neurology 77: 1391-1394, 2011
29) Haan J, Koehier PJ, Bogousslavsky J: Neurology and surrealism: Andre Breton and Joseph Babinski. Brain 135: 3830-3838, 2012





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