デレク デニー-ブラウン博士(Derek Ernest Denny-Brown;1901-1981)は,20世紀前半から後半にかけて,臨床神経学に生理学および病理学を組み合わせることにより,神経疾患における運動症状の神経機序の解明,神経・筋疾患の病態,治療の進歩に多大な貢献をし,さらに米国における臨床神経学の独立および教育・診療体制の確立に大きく貢献した,研究者かつ教育者である。
デレク デニー-ブラウン博士(Derek Ernest Denny-Brown;1901-1981)は,20世紀前半から後半にかけて,臨床神経学に生理学および病理学を組み合わせることにより,神経疾患における運動症状の神経機序の解明,神経・筋疾患の病態,治療の進歩に多大な貢献をし,さらに米国における臨床神経学の独立および教育・診療体制の確立に大きく貢献した,研究者かつ教育者である。
1) Vilensky JA, Gilman S, Dunn E: Derek E Denny-Brown (1901-1981): his life and influence on American neurology. J Med Biography 6: 73-78, 1998
2) Creed RS, Denny-Brown D, Eccless JC, Liddell EGT, Sherrington CS. Reflex Activity of the Spinal Cord. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1932
3) Holmes G: Clinical symptoms of cerebellar disease and their interpretation. Lecture I. Lancet 199: 1177-1182, 1922
4) Holmes G: Clinical symptoms of cerebellar disease and their interpretation. Lecture II. Lancet 199: 1231-1237, 1922
5) Holmes G: Clinical symptoms of cerebellar disease and their interpretation. Lecture III. Lancet 200: 59-65, 1922
6) Holmes G: Clinical symptoms of cerebellar disease and their interpretation. Lecture IV. Lancet 200: 111-115, 1922
7) Bruce N(ed): Neurology by S. A. Kinnier Wilson. Butterworths, London, 1940
8) Walshe FMR (compiled and edited): Selected Papers of Sir Gordon Holmes. Macmillan, London, 1956
9) Denny-Brown D, Pennybacher JB: Fibrillation and fasciculation in voluntary muscle. Brain 61: 311-334, 1938
10) Denny-Brown D (compiled and edited): Selected Writings of Sir Charles Sherrington, Hamish Hamilton, London, 1939
11) Denny-Brown D: Neurological conditions resulting from prolonged and severe dietary restriction (Case reports in prisoners-of-war, and general review). Medicine 26: 41-113, 1947
12) Denny-Brown D: Handbook of Neurological Examination and Case Recording. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1946
13) Denny-Brown D: The changing pattern of neurologic medicine (Shattuck Lecture). New Engl J Med 246: 839-846, 1952
14) Denny-Brown D: On singleness of purpose. Arch Neurol 3: 613-619, 1960
15) Denny-Brown D: The Basal Ganglia and their Relation to Disorders of Movement. Oxford University Press, London, 1962
16) Denny-Brown D: Diseases of the Basal Ganglia and Subthalamic Nuclei. Oxford University Press, New York, 1946
17) 柳澤信夫: ジストニアの概念と病態. No To Shinkei 48: 217-227, 1996
18) Jackson JH: Croonian lectures on evolution and dissolution of the nervous system. Brit Med J 1: 591-593, 660-663, 703-707, 1884; Lancet 123: 555-558, 649-652, 739-744, 1884/(和訳)越賀一雄: 古典紹介. 精神医学18: 993-1005, 1087-1099, 1207-1220, 1976
19) Denny-Brown D: The Cerebral Control of Movement (The Sherrington Lectures Ⅷ). Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, 1966
20) Uzman L, Denny-Brown D: Amino-aciduria in hepatolenticular degeneration (Wilson's Disease). Amer J Med Sci 215: 599-611, 1948
21) Denny-Brown D, Porter H: The effect of BAL on hepatolenticular degeneration. New Engl J Med 245: 917-925, 1951
22) Cumings JN: The copper and iron content of brain and liver in the normal and in hepatolenticular degeneration. Brain 71: 410-415, 1948
23) Denny-Brown D: Primary sensory neuropathy with muscular changes associated with carcinoma. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat 11: 73-87, 1948
24) Denny-Brown D: Hereditary sensory radicular neuropathy. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiat 14: 237-252, 1951
25) Denny-Brown D: The nature of apraxia. J Nerv Ment Dis 126: 9-32, 1958
26) Denny-Brown D, Banker BQ: Amorphosynthesis from left parietal lesion. Arch Neurol Psychiat 71: 302-313, 1954
27) Denny-Brown D, Meyer JS, Horenstein S: The perceptual rivalry resulting from parietal lesions. Brain 75: 433-471, 1952
28) Langworthy OR: The Sensory Control of Posture and Movement. A Review of the Studies of Derek Denny-Brown. Williams Wilkins, Baltimore, 1970
29) Denny-Brown D, Yanagisawa N: The function of the descending root of the fifth nerve. Brain 96: 783-814, 1973
30) Denny-Brown D, Yanagisawa N: The role of the basal ganglia in the initiation of movement. Yahr MO (ed): The Basal Ganglia. Raven Press, New York, 1976, pp115-149
31) Denny-Brown D: The tegmental mechanism of conjugate eye movement. Trans Am Neurol Ass 105: 364-367, 1980