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BRAIN and NERVE-神経研究の進歩68巻8号




著者: 櫻井靖久1 辰巳格2 渡辺眞澄3

所属機関: 1三井記念病院神経内科 2LD・Dyslexiaセンター 3県立広島大学保健福祉学部コミュニケーション障害学科

ページ範囲:P.959 - P.975


A 櫻井 異なるという立場から 1




1)Iwata M: Kanji versus Kana. Neuropsychological correlates of the Japanese writing system. Trends Neurosci 7: 290-293, 1984
2)櫻井靖久: 非失語性失読および失書の局在診断. 臨床神経51: 567-575, 2011
3)Sakurai Y, Tsuchiya K, Oda T, Hori K, Tominaga I, et al: Ubiquitin-positive frontotemporal lobar degeneration presenting with progressive Gogi (word-meaning) aphasia. A neuropsychological, radiological and pathological evaluation of a Japanese semantic dementia patient. J Neurol Sci 250: 3-9, 2006
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7)Sakurai Y, Yagishita A, Goto Y, Ohtsu H, Mannen T: Fusiform type alexia: pure alexia for words in contrast to posterior occipital type pure alexia for letters. J Neurol Sci 247: 81-92, 2006
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4)Sakurai Y, Tsuchiya K, Oda T, Hori K, Tominaga I, et al: Ubiquitin-positive frontotemporal lobar degeneration presenting with progressive Gogi (word-meaning) aphasia. A neuropsychological, radiological and pathological evaluation of a Japanese semantic dementia patient. J Neurol Sci 250: 3-9, 2006
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9)Sakurai Y, Terao Y, Ichikawa Y, Ohtsu H, Momose T, et al: Pure alexia for kana. Characterization of alexia with lesions of the inferior occipital cortex. J Neurol Sci 268: 48-59, 2008
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5)Sakurai Y, Yagishita A, Goto Y, Ohtsu H, Mannen T: Fusiform type alexia: pure alexia for words in contrast to posterior occipital type pure alexia for letters. J Neurol Sci 247: 81-92, 2006
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15)Sakurai Y: Varieties of alexia from fusiform, posterior inferior temporal and posterior occipital gyrus lesions. Behav Neurol 15: 35-50, 2004
16)Sakurai Y, Asami M, Mannen T: Alexia and agraphia with lesions of the angular and supramarginal gyri: evidence for the disruption of sequential processing. J Neurol Sci 288: 25-33, 2010
17)Sakurai Y, Ichikawa Y, Mannen T: Pure alexia from a posterior occipital lesion. Neurology 56: 778-781, 2001
18)櫻井靖久: 非失語性失読および失書の局在診断. 臨床神経51: 567-575, 2011
19)Sakurai Y, Tsuchiya K, Oda T, Hori K, Tominaga I, et al: Ubiquitin-positive frontotemporal lobar degeneration presenting with progressive Gogi (word-meaning) aphasia. A neuropsychological, radiological and pathological evaluation of a Japanese semantic dementia patient. J Neurol Sci 250: 3-9, 2006
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21)Sakurai Y, Takeuchi S, Takada T, Horiuchi E, Nakase H, et al: Alexia caused by a fusiform or posterior inferior temporal lesion. J Neurol Sci 178: 42-51, 2000





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