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BRAIN and NERVE-神経研究の進歩70巻4号


増大特集 Antibody Update 2018


著者: 佐久間啓1

所属機関: 1公益財団法人東京都医学総合研究所脳発達・神経再生研究分野

ページ範囲:P.363 - P.369




1)Dale RC, Brilot F: Autoimmune basal ganglia disorders. J Child Neurol 27: 1470-1481, 2012
2)Mohammad SS, Ramanathan S, Brilot F, Dale RC: Autoantibody-associated movement disorders. Neuropediatrics 44: 336-345, 2013
3)Irani SR, Gelfand JM, Al-Diwani A, Vincent A: Cell-surface central nervous system autoantibodies: clinical relevance and emerging paradigms. Ann Neurol 76: 168-184, 2014
4)Williams KA, Swedo SE: Post-infectious autoimmune disorders: Sydenham's chorea, PANDAS and beyond. Brain Res 1617: 144-154, 2015
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9)Titulaer MJ, McCracken L, Gabilondo I, Armangué T, Glaser C, et al: Treatment and prognostic factors for long-term outcome in patients with anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis: an observational cohort study. Lancet Neurol 12: 157-165, 2013
10)Gabilondo I, Saiz A, Galán L, Gonzáalez V, Jadraque R, et al: Analysis of relapses in anti-NMDAR encephalitis. Neurology 77: 996-999, 2011
11)Dale RC, Church AJ, Cardoso F, Goddard E, Cox TC, et al: Poststreptococcal acute disseminated encephalomyelitis with basal ganglia involvement and auto-reactive antibasal ganglia antibodies. Ann Neurol 50: 588-595, 2001
12)Dale RC, Merheb V, Pillai S, Wang D, Cantrill L, et al: Antibodies to surface dopamine-2 receptor in autoimmune movement and psychiatric disorders. Brain 135: 3453-3468, 2012
13)Vernino S, Tuite P, Adler CH, Meschia JF, Boeve BF, et al: Paraneoplastic chorea associated with CRMP-5 neuronal antibody and lung carcinoma. Ann Neurol 51: 625-630, 2002
14)Cross SA, Salomao DR, Parisi JE, Kryzer TJ, Bradley EA, et al: Paraneoplastic autoimmune optic neuritis with retinitis defined by CRMP-5-IgG. Ann Neurol 54: 38-50, 2003
15)O'Toole O, Lennon VA, Ahlskog JE, Matsumoto JY, Pittock SJ, et al: Autoimmune chorea in adults. Neurology 80: 1133-1144, 2013
16)Nakahara E, Sakuma H, Kimura-Kuroda J, Shimizu T, Okumura A, et al: A diagnostic approach for identifying anti-neuronal antibodies in children with suspected autoimmune encephalitis. J Neuroimmunol 285: 150-155, 2015
17)佐久間 啓:溶連菌感染と関連した自己免疫性神経疾患と抗大脳基底核抗体.日本臨牀73 (Suppl 7): 315-319, 2015
18)Church AJ, Cardoso F, Dale RC, Lees AJ, Thompson EJ, et al: Anti-basal ganglia antibodies in acute and persistent Sydenham's chorea. Neurology 59: 227-231, 2002
19)Dale RC, Candler PM, Church AJ, Wait R, Pocock JM, et al: Neuronal surface glycolytic enzymes are autoantigen targets in post-streptococcal autoimmune CNS disease. J Neuroimmunol 172: 187-197, 2006
20)Kirvan CA, Swedo SE, Heuser JS, Cunningham MW: Mimicry and autoantibody-mediated neuronal cell signaling in Sydenham chorea. Nat Med 9: 914-920, 2003
21)Charrier E, Reibel S, Rogemond V, Aguera M, Thomasset N, et al: Collapsin response mediator proteins (CRMPs): involvement in nervous system development and adult neurodegenerative disorders. Mol Neurobiol 28: 51-64, 2003
22)Yamashita N, Mosinger B, Roy A, Miyazaki M, Ugajin K, et al: CRMP5 (collapsin response mediator protein 5) regulates dendritic development and synaptic plasticity in the cerebellar Purkinje cells. J Neurosci 31: 1773-1779, 2011





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