増大特集 Antibody Update 2018
1)Suzuki N, Aoki M, Mori-Yoshimura M, Hayashi YK, Nonaka I, et al: Increase in number of sporadic inclusion body myositis (sIBM) in Japan. J Neurol 259: 554-556, 2012
2)Griggs RC, Askanas V, DiMauro S, Engel A, Karpati G, et al: Inclusion body myositis and myopathies. Ann Neurol 38: 705-713, 1995
3)Paltiel AD, Ingvarsson E, Lee DK, Leff RL, Nowak RJ, et al: Demographic and clinical features of inclusion body myositis in North America. Muscle Nerve 52: 527-533, 2015
4)Suzuki N, Mori-Yoshimura M, Yamashita S, Nakano S, Murata KY, et al: Multicenter questionnaire survey for sporadic inclusion body myositis in Japan. Orphanet J Rare Dis 11: 146, 2016[doi: 10.1186/s13023-016-0524-x]
5)Benveniste O, Guiguet M, Freebody J, Dubourg O, Squier W, et al: Long-term observational study of sporadic inclusion body myositis. Brain 134: 3176-3184, 2011
6)Cox FM, Titulaer MJ, Sont JK, Wintzen AR, Verschuuren JJ, et al: A 12-year follow-up in sporadic inclusion body myositis: an end stage with major disabilities. Brain 134: 3167-3175, 2011
7)Dabby R, Lange DJ, Trojaborg W, Hays AP, Lovelace RE, et al: Inclusion body myositis mimicking motor neuron disease. Arch Neurol 58: 1253-1256, 2001
8)Cox FM, Reijnierse M, van Rijswijk CS, Wintzen AR, Verschuuren JJ, et al: Magnetic resonance imaging of skeletal muscles in sporadic inclusion body myositis. Rheumatology (Oxford) 50: 1153-1161, 2011
9)Noto Y, Shiga K, Tsuji Y, Kondo M, Tokuda T, et al: Contrasting echogenicity in flexor digitorum profundus-flexor carpi ulnaris: a diagnostic ultrasound pattern in sporadic inclusion body myositis. Muscle Nerve 49: 745-748, 2014
10)Nodera H, Takamatsu N, Matsui N, Mori A, Terasawa Y, et al: Intramuscular dissociation of echogenicity in the triceps surae characterizes sporadic inclusion body myositis. Eur J Neurol 23: 588-596, 2016
11)Salajegheh M, Pinkus JL, Taylor JP, Amato AA, Nazareno R, et al: Sarcoplasmic redistribution of nuclear TDP-43 in inclusion body myositis. Muscle Nerve 40: 19-31, 2009
12)Weihl CC, Temiz P, Miller SE, Watts G, Smith C, et al: TDP-43 accumulation in inclusion body myopathy muscle suggests a common pathogenic mechanism with frontotemporal dementia. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 79: 1186-1189, 2008
13)Olivé M, Janué A, Moreno D, Gámez J, Torrejón-Escribano B, et al: TAR DNA-Binding protein 43 accumulation in protein aggregate myopathies. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 68: 262-273, 2009
14)Küsters B, van Hoeve BJ, Schelhaas HJ, Ter Laak H, van Engelen BG, et al: TDP-43 accumulation is common in myopathies with rimmed vacuoles. Acta Neuropathol 117: 209-211, 2009
15)D'Agostino C, Nogalska A, Engel WK, Askanas V: In sporadic inclusion body myositis muscle fibres TDP-43-positive inclusions are less frequent and robust than p62 inclusions, and are not associated with paired helical filaments. Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol 37: 315-320, 2011
16)Hiniker A, Daniels BH, Lee HS, Margeta M: Comparative utility of LC3, p62 and TDP-43 immunohistochemistry in differentiation of inclusion body myositis from polymyositis and related inflammatory myopathies. Acta Neuropathol Commun 1: 29, 2013[doi: 10.1186/2051-5960-1-29]
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19)Lloyd TE, Mammen AL, Amato AA, Weiss MD, Needham M, et al: Evaluation and construction of diagnostic criteria for inclusion body myositis. Neurology 83: 426-433, 2014
20)Koffman BM, Rugiero M, Dalakas MC: Immune-mediated conditions and antibodies associated with sporadic inclusion body myositis. Muscle Nerve 21: 115-117, 1998
21)Larman HB, Salajegheh M, Nazareno R, Lam T, Sauld J, et al: Cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase 1A autoimmunity in sporadic inclusion body myositis. Ann Neurol 73: 408-418, 2013
22)Pluk H, van Hoeve BJ, van Dooren SH, Stammen-Vogelzangs J, van der Heijden A, et al: Autoantibodies to cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase 1A in inclusion body myositis. Ann Neurol 73: 397-407, 2013
23)Greenberg SA: Cytoplasmic 5'-nucleotidase autoantibodies in inclusion body myositis: Isotypes and diagnostic utility. Muscle Nerve 50: 488-492, 2014
24)Salajegheh M, Lam T, Greenberg SA: Autoantibodies against a 43 KDa muscle protein in inclusion body myositis. PLOS ONE 6: e20266, 2011[doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0020266]
25)Lloyd TE, Christopher-Stine L, Pinal-Fernandez I, Tiniakou E, Petri M, et al: Cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase 1A as a target of circulating autoantibodies in autoimmune diseases. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) 68: 66-71, 2016
26)Goyal NA, Cash TM, Alam U, Enam S, Tierney P, et al: Seropositivity for NT5c1A antibody in sporadic inclusion body myositis predicts more severe motor, bulbar and respiratory involvement. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 87: 373-378, 2016
27)Herbert MK, Pruijn GJ: Novel serology testing for sporadic inclusion body myositis: disease-specificity and diagnostic utility. Curr Opin Rheumatol 27: 595-600, 2015
28)Muro Y, Nakanishi H, Katsuno M, Kono M, Akiyama M: Prevalence of anti-NT5C1A antibodies in Japanese patients with autoimmune rheumatic diseases in comparison with other patient cohorts. Clin Chim Acta 472: 1-4, 2017
29)Tawara N, Yamashita S, Zhang X, Korogi M, Zhang Z, et al: Pathomechanisms of anti-cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase 1A autoantibodies in sporadic inclusion body myositis. Ann Neurol 81: 512-525, 2017
30)Herbert MK, Stammen-Vogelzangs J, Verbeek MM, Rietveld A, Lundberg IE, et al: Disease specificity of autoantibodies to cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase 1A in sporadic inclusion body myositis versus known autoimmune diseases. Ann Rheum Dis 75: 696-701, 2016
31)Barohn RJ, Amato AA, Sahenk Z, Kissel JT, Mendell JR: Inclusion body myositis: explanation for poor response to immunosuppressive therapy. Neurology 45: 1302-1304, 1995
32)Dalakas MC, Sonies B, Dambrosia J, Sekul E, Cupler E, et al: Treatment of inclusion-body myositis with IVIg: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Neurology 48: 712-716, 1997
33)Cherin P, Pelletier S, Teixeira A, Laforet P, Simon A, et al: Intravenous immunoglobulin for dysphagia of inclusion body myositis. Neurology 58: 326, 2002
34)Orimo S, Koga R, Goto K, Nakamura K, Arai M, et al: Immunohistochemical analysis of perforin and granzyme A in inflammatory myopathies. Neuromuscul Disord 4: 219-226, 1994
35)Fyhr IM, Moslemi AR, Lindberg C, Oldfors A: T cell receptor beta-chain repertoire in inclusion body myositis. J Neuroimmunol 91: 129-134, 1998
36)Dimitri D, Benveniste O, Dubourg O, Maisonobe T, Eymard B, et al: Shared blood and muscle CD8+ T-cell expansions in inclusion body myositis. Brain 129: 986-995, 2006
37)Greenberg SA, Pinkus JL, Amato AA, Kristensen T, Dorfman DM: Association of inclusion body myositis with T cell large granular lymphocytic leukaemia. Brain 139: 1348-1360, 2016
38)Dalakas MC, Rakocevic G, Schmidt J, Salajegheh M, McElroy B, et al: Effect of Alemtuzumab (CAMPATH 1-H) in patients with inclusion-body myositis. Brain 132: 1536-1544, 2009
39)Sugarman MC, Kitazawa M, Baker M, Caiozzo VJ, Querfurth HW, et al: Pathogenic accumulation of APP in fast twitch muscle of IBM patients and a transgenic model. Neurobiol Aging 27: 423-432, 2006
40)Sugarman MC, Yamasaki TR, Oddo S, Echegoyen JC, Murphy MP, et al: Inclusion body myositis-like phenotype induced by transgenic overexpression of beta APP in skeletal muscle. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 99: 6334-6339, 2002
41)Nagaraju K, Raben N, Loeffler L, Parker T, Rochon PJ, et al: Conditional up-regulation of MHC class I in skeletal muscle leads to self-sustaining autoimmune myositis and myositis-specific autoantibodies. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 97: 9209-9214, 2000
42)Weihl CC, Baloh RH, Lee Y, Chou TF, Pittman SK, et al: Targeted sequencing and identification of genetic variants in sporadic inclusion body myositis. Neuromuscul Disord 25: 289-296, 2015
43)Lilleker JB, Rietveld A, Pye SR, Mariampillai K, Benveniste O, et al: Cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase 1A autoantibody profile and clinical characteristics in inclusion body myositis. Ann Rheum Dis 76: 862-868, 2017