特集 COVID-19—脳神経内科医が診るための最新知識
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12)Barker J, Oyefeso O, Koeckerling D, Mudalige NL, Pan D: COVID-19: community CPAP and NIV should be stopped unless medically necessary to support life. Thorax 75: 367, 2020[doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2020-214890]
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15)van Doremalen N, Bushmaker T, Morris DH, Holbrook MG, Gamble A, et al: Aerosol and surface stability of SARS-CoV-2 as compared with SARS-CoV-1. N Engl J Med 382: 1564-1567, 2020
16)American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM): Coronavirus FAQs: CPAP tips for sleep apnea patients. March 17 2020 https://aasm.org/coronavirus-covid-19-faqs-cpap-sleep-apnea-patients/(最終閲覧日: 2020年7月21日)
17)Krishnan V: COVID-19 and home positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 201: 28-29, 2020
18)Solé G, Salort-Campana E, Pereon Y, Stojkovic T, Wahbi K, et al: Guidance for the care of neuromuscular patients during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak from the French Rare Health Care for Neuromuscular Diseases Network. Rev Neurol (Paris) 176: 507-515, 2020
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20)Public Health England: COVID-19: guidance for infection prevention and control in healthcare setings. version 1.0
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22)Zou L, Ruan F, Huang M, Liang L, Huang H, et al: SARS-CoV-2 viral load in upper respiratory specimens of infected patients. N Engl J Med 382: 1177-1179, 2020
23)日本神経学会難病医療体制セクション: COVID-19に関連する筋ジストロフィー・重症心身障害児者・神経筋難病患者に対する呼吸ケアの注意点. 2020
24)Karamouzos V, Fligou F, Gogos C, Velissaris D: High flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy in adults with COVID-19 respiratory failure. A case report. Monaldi Arch Chest Dis 90: 2020[doi: 10.4081/monaldi.2020.1323]
25)Adir Y, Segol O, Kompaniets D, Ziso H, Yaffe Y, et al: COVID-19: minimising risk to healthcare workers during aerosol-producing respiratory therapy using an innovative constant flow canopy. Eur Respir J 55: 2001017, 2020[doi: 10.1183/13993003.01017-2020]
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27)Li YC, Bai WZ, Hashikawa T: The neuroinvasive potential of SARS-CoV2 may play a role in the respiratory failure of COVID-19 patients. J Med Virol 92: 552-555, 2020
28)Wax RS, Christian MD: Practical recommendations for critical care and anesthesiology teams caring for novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) patients. Can J Anaesth 67: 568-576, 2020