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BRAIN and NERVE-神経研究の進歩72巻11号


増大特集 脳の発振現象—基礎から臨床へ


著者: 宇川義一1

所属機関: 1福島県立医科大学医学部ヒト神経生理学講座

ページ範囲:P.1239 - P.1246


TMS介入研究の一部を紹介する。“QPS(quadripulse stimulation)”の紹介,“visuo-motor sequence learning”におけるpre-SMA,SMAの役割分担の証明,“negative compatibility effect”におけるSMA関与の証明,「パーキンソン病への治療介入」の紹介,「腰部刺激による歩行誘導の紹介」,“back propagation potential”による1.5msの発火頻度について解説する。


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2)Hamada M, Hanajima R, Terao Y, Okabe S, Nakatani-Enomoto S, et al: Primary motor cortical metaplasticity induced by priming over the supplementary motor area. J Physiol 587: 4845-4862, 2009
3)Matsumoto H, Ugawa Y: Quadripulse stimulation (QPS). Exp Brain Res 238: 1619-1625, 2020
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6)Sakai K, Hikosaka O, Miyauchi S, Takino R, Sasaki Y, et al: Transition of brain activation from frontal to parietal areas in visuo-motor sequence learning. J Neurosci 18: 1827-1840, 1998
7)Shimizu T, Hanajima R, Shirota Y, Tsutsumi R, Tanaka N, et al: Plasticity induction in the pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA) and SMA-proper differentially affects visuomotor sequence learning. Brain Stimul 13: 229-238, 2020
8)Hilchey MD, Satel J, Ivanoff J, Klein RM: On the nature of the delayed “inhibitory” Cueing effects generated by uninformative arrows at fixation. Psychon Bull Rev 20: 593-600, 2013
9)Shirota Y, Hanajima R, Ohminami S, Tsutumi R, Ugawa Y, et al: Supplementary motor area plays a causal role in automatic inhibition of motor responses. Brain Stimul 12: 1020-1026, 2019
10)Chung CL, Mak MKY: Effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on physical function and motor signs in Parkinson's disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Brain Stimul 9: 475-487, 2016
11)Latorre A, Rocchi L, Berardelli A, Bhatia KP, Rothwell JC: The use of transcranial magnetic stimulation as a treatment for movement disorders: a critical review. Mov Disord 34: 769-782, 2019
12)Hamada M, Ugawa Y, Tsuji S, Effectiveness of rTMS on Parkinson's Disease Study Group: High-frequency rTMS over the supplementary motor area for treatment of Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord 23: 1524-1531, 2008
13)Shirota Y, Ohtsu H, Hamada M, Enomoto H, Ugawa Y: Supplementary motor area stimulation for Parkinson disease: a randomized controlled study. Neurology 80: 1400-1405, 2013
14)Sasada S, Kato K, Kadowaki S, Groiss SJ, Ugawa Y, et al: Volitional walking via upper limb muscle-controlled stimulation of the lumbar locomotion center in man. J Neurosci 34: 11131-11142, 2014
15)Ugawa Y, Rothwell JC, Paulus W: Possible role of backpropagating action potentials in corticospinal neurons in I-wave periodicity following a TMS pulse. Neurosci Res 156: 234-236, 2020
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17)Larkum ME, Zhu JJ, Sakmann B: Dendritic mechanisms underlying the coupling of the dendritic with the axonal action potential initiation zone of adult rat layer 5 pyramidal neurons. J Physiol 533: 447-466, 2001





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