特集 温度を感じる脳と身体の科学
1)Nakamura K: Central circuitries for body temperature regulation and fever. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 301: R1207-R1228, 2011
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4)Nakamura K, Nakamura Y, Kataoka N: A hypothalamomedullary network for physiological responses to environmental stresses. Nat Rev Neurosci 23: 35-52, 2022
5)Kataoka N, Hioki H, Kaneko T, Nakamura K: Psychological stress activates a dorsomedial hypothalamus-medullary raphe circuit driving brown adipose tissue thermogenesis and hyperthermia. Cell Metab 20: 346-358, 2014
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9)Nakamura K, Morrison SF: A thermosensory pathway that controls body temperature. Nat Neurosci 11: 62-71, 2008
10)Yahiro T, Kataoka N, Nakamura Y, Nakamura K: The lateral parabrachial nucleus, but not the thalamus, mediates thermosensory pathways for behavioural thermoregulation. Sci Rep 7: 5031, 2017[doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-05327-8]
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33)Kataoka N, Shima Y, Nakajima K, Nakamura K: A central master driver of psychosocial stress responses in the rat. Science 367: 1105-1112, 2020
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37)Nakamura Y, Yanagawa Y, Morrison SF, Nakamura K: Medullary reticular neurons mediate neuropeptide Y-induced metabolic inhibition and mastication. Cell Metab 25: 322-334, 2017
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39)Nakamura K, Nakamura Y: Hunger and satiety signaling: modeling two hypothalamomedullary pathways for energy homeostasis. Bioessays 40: e1700252, 2018[doi: 10.1002/bies.201700252]