増大特集 末梢神経・筋肉の自己免疫性・炎症性疾患ハンドブック
第2章 疾患各論
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6)Tsuboi H, Hagiwara S, Asashima H, Takahashi H, Hirota T, et al: Comparison of performance of the 2016 ACR-EULAR classification criteria for primary Sjögren's syndrome with other sets of criteria in Japanese patients. Ann Rheum Dis 76: 1980-1985, 2017
7)Seror R, Bootsma H, Saraux A, Bowman SJ, Theander E, et al; EULAR Sjögren's Task Force: Defining disease activity states and clinically meaningful improvement in primary Sjögren's syndrome with EULAR primary Sjögren's syndrome disease activity (ESSDAI) and patient-reported indexes (ESSPRI). Ann Rheum Dis 75: 382-389, 2016
8)Liampas A, Parperis K, Erotocritou MF, Nteveros A, Papadopoulou M, et al: Primary Sjögren syndrome- related peripheral neuropathy: a systematic review and meta- analysis. Eur J Neurol 30: 255-265, 2023
9)Wu Z, Wang D, Chen L, Xianyu K, Yang H: Analysis of clinical features and risk factors of peripheral neuropathy in patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome. Eur J Med Res 28: 54, 2023[doi: 10.1186/s40001-023-01013-w]
10)Duda S, Witte T, Stangel M, Adams J, Schmidt RE, et al: Autoantibodies binding to stathmin-4: new marker for polyneuropathy in primary Sjögren's syndrome. Immunol Res 65: 1099-1102, 2017
11)Birnbaum J, Hoke A, Lalji A, Calabresi P, Bhargava P, et al: Brief Report: Anti-calponin 3 autoantibodies: a newly identified specificity in patients with Sjögren's syndrome. Arthritis Rheumatol 70: 1610-1616, 2018
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19)Birnbaum J, Lalji A, Saed A, Baer AN: Biopsy-proven small-fiber neuropathy in primary Sjögren's syndrome: neuropathic pain characteristics, autoantibody findings, and histopathologic features. Arthritis Care Res 71: 936-948, 2019
20)Ng Wing Tin S, Zouari HG, Wahab A, Sène D, Lefaucheur JP: Characterization of neuropathic pain in primary Sjögren's syndrome with respect to neurophysiological evidence of small-fiber neuropathy. Pain Med 20: 979-987, 2019
21)Ohyama K, Koike H, Takahashi M, Kawagashira Y, Iijima M, et al: Immunoglobulin G4-related pathologic features in inflammatory neuropathies. Neurology 85: 1400-1407, 2015
22)Kondo T, Inoue H, Usui T, Mimori T, Tomimoto H, et al: Autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy with Sjögren's syndrome: significance of ganglionic acetylcholine receptor antibody and therapeutic approach. Auton Neurosci 146: 33-35, 2009
23)Colafrancesco S, Priori R, Gattamelata A, Picarelli G, Minniti A, et al: Myositis in primary Sjögren's syndrome: data from a multicentre cohort. Clin Exp Rheumatol 33: 457-464, 2015
24)Hirata K, Kobayashi M, Miyashita A, Yokota T: Steroid-responsive myositis in a patient with Sjögren's syndrome and refractory peripheral neuropathy. Neurol Sci 41: 1303-1305, 2020
25)Ramos-Casals M, Brito-Zerón P, Bombardieri S, Bootsma H, De Vita S, et al; EULAR-Sjögren Syndrome Task Force Group: EULAR recommendations for the management of Sjögren's syndrome with topical and systemic therapies. Ann Rheum Dis 79: 3-18, 2020
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30)Kataria R, Suja L, Anil AA, Senthil N: Primary Sjogren's syndrome presenting as an isolated severe autonomic dysfunction treated with steroids. BMJ Case Rep 16: e256412, 2023[doi: 10.1136/bcr-2023-256412]
31)Sokmen O, Temucin CM, Ayhan Seker C, Tan E: Immunotherapy provides electrophysiological recovery and excellent clinical response in Sjögren's syndrome-linked quite severe autonomic neuropathy. Neurologist 28: 204-206, 2023