特集 消化器診療“虎の巻”—あなたの切実なギモンにズバリ答えます!
クロストリジウム・ディフィシル感染症(clostridioides difficile infection:CDI)の主要な危険因子は、❶高齢、❷長期入院、❸抗菌薬もしくは制酸薬の使用であり、抗菌薬においては、特にセファロスポリン、フルオロキノロン、クリンダマイシンでリスクが高い。抗菌薬はその投与中のみならず、投与終了後もCDIの危険因子となりうるが、そのリスク期間は2週間前後、時に1〜3カ月まで持続することもある。少なくとも1カ月、ハイリスク患者では3カ月までさかのぼって確認できるとよい。
1)Mullish BH, et al : Clostridium difficile infection and antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. Clin Med (Lond) 18(3) : 237-241, 2018. PMID 29858434
2)Holger Schäffler, et al : Clostridium difficile—from colonization to infection. Front Microbiol 9 : 646, 2018. PMID 29692762
3)Brown KA, et al : Meta-analysis of antibiotics and the risk of community-associated Clostridium difficile infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 57(5) : 2326-2332, 2013. PMID 23478961
4)Castro I, et al : Doctor, my patient has CDI and should continue to receive antibiotics ; the(unresolved) risk of recurrent CDI. Rev Esp Quimioter 32 (Suppl 2) : 47-54, 2019. PMID 31475811
5)Stevens V, et al : Cumulative antibiotic exposures over time and the risk of Clostridium difficile infection. Clin Infect Dis 53(1) : 42-48, 2011. PMID 21653301
6)Brown KA, et al : The magnitude and duration of Clostridium difficile infection risk associated with antibiotic therapy ; a hospital cohort study. PLoS One 9(8) : e105454, 2014. PMID 25157757
7)Hensgens MP, et al : Time interval of increased risk for Clostridium difficile infection after exposure to antibiotics. J Antimicrob Chemother 67(3) : 742-748, 2012. PMID 22146873
8)Kelly CP, et al : Clostridium difficile--more difficult than ever. N Engl J Med 359(18) : 1932-1940, 2008. PMID 18971494
9)Jung Hoon Song, et al : Recurrent Clostridium difficile infection ; risk factors, treatment, and prevention. Gut Liver 13(1) : 16-24, 2019. PMID 30400734
10)Eyre DW, et al, Infections in Oxfordshire Research Database : Predictors of first recurrence of Clostridium difficile infection ; implications for initial management. Clin Infect Dis 55(Suppl 2) : S77-87, 2012. PMID 22752869
11)McDonald EG, et al : Continuous proton pump inhibitor therapy and the associated risk of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection. JAMA Intern Med 175(5) : 784-791, 2015. PMID 25730198
12)Goldenberg JZ, et al : Probiotics for the prevention of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea in adults and children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 12(12) : CD006095, 2017. PMID 29257353