特集 —続・総合診療外来に“実装”したい—最新エビデンスMy Best 3
1)Cortese S, et al : Comparative efficacy and tolerability of medications for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, adolescents, and adults ; a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Lancet Psychiatry 5(9) : 727-738, 2018. PMID 30097390
2)衣笠隆幸:重ね着症候群の診断と治療.児童青年精医と近接領域51(3) : 345-351, 2010.
3)Reynolds AM, et al : Sleep and autism spectrum disorders. Pediatr Clin North Am 58(3) : 685-698, 2011. PMID 21600349
4)Corkum P, et al : Sleep disturbances in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 37(6) : 637-646, 1998. PMID 9628084
5)Dovey TM, et al : Eating behaviour, behavioural problems and sensory profiles of children with avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), autistic spectrum disorders or picky eating ; same or different? Eur Psychiatry 61 : 56-62, 2019. PMID 31310945