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著者: 上田剛士1

所属機関: 1洛和会丸太町病院救急・総合診療科

ページ範囲:P.618 - P.621


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1)Horberry T, et al : Pedestrian smartphone distraction ; prevalence and potential severity. Transp Res Part F Traffic Psychol Behav 60 : 515-523, 2019.
2)Adams C, et al : Technology-related behaviors and attitudes ; compulsive smartphone usage, stress, and social anxiety. Rev Contemp Philos 19 : 71-78, 2020.
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8)Kim D, et al : Smombie guardian ; we watch for potential obstacles while you are walking and conducting smartphone activities. PLoS One 13(6) : e0197050, 2018. PMID 29944656
9)Kim E, et al : Performance of ground-level signal detection when using a phone while walking. Accid Anal Prev 151 : 105909, 2021. PMID 33360875
10)Kondo R, et al : Foot pressure-based analysis of gait while using a smartphone. Gait Posture 100 : 196-200, 2022. PMID 36603325
11)Han H, et al : Head flexion angle when web-browsing and texting using a smartphone while walking. Appl Ergon 81 : 102884, 2019. PMID 31422240
12)Yoon W, et al : Neck muscular load when using a smartphone while sitting, standing, and walking. Hum Factors 63(5) : 868-879, 2021. PMID 32045274
13)Choi S, et al : Changes in low back muscle activity and spine kinematics in response to smartphone use during walking. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 46(7) : E426-E432, 2021. PMID 33181766
14)Lee DH, et al : The effect of the use of smartphone while walking on the electromyography activity of the lower extremity in young students. J Exerc Rehabil 17(2) : 138-144, 2021. PMID 34012940





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