特集 —優柔不断にサヨウナラ!—あなたの「臨床判断」を高めるケーススタディ11選
【各論:「意思決定表」を用いた場面別ロジカルアプローチ】 「疾患/症候別」臨床判断ケーススタディ
1)Ferreiro L, et al:Bilateral pleural effusion;a proposed diagnostic decision algorithm. Ann Am Thorac Soc 13(10):1865-1867, 2016. PMID 27726431
2)Puchalski JT, et al:Etiologies of bilateral pleural effusions. Respir Med 107(2):284-291, 2013. PMID 23219348
4)DeBiasi EM, et al:Mortality among patients with pleural effusion undergoing thoracentesis. Eur Respir J 46(2):495-502, 2015. PMID 25837039
5)Desai NR, et al:Diagnosis and management of malignant pleural effusions;state of the art in 2017. J Thorac Dis 9(Suppl 10):S1111-S1122, 2017. PMID 29214068
6)Gordon CE, et al:Pneumothorax following thoracentesis;a systematic review and meta-analysis. Arch Intern Med 170(4):332-339, 2010. PMID 20177035
7)Cantey EP, et al:Complications of thoracentesis;incidence, risk factors, and strategies for prevention. Curr Opin Pulm Med 22(4):378-385, 2016. PMID 27093476
8)Porcel JM:Chest tube drainage of the pleural space;a concise review for pulmonologists. Tuberc Respir Dis(Seoul)81(2):106-115, 2018. PMID 29372629