特集 —優柔不断にサヨウナラ!—あなたの「臨床判断」を高めるケーススタディ11選
【各論:「意思決定表」を用いた場面別ロジカルアプローチ】 「診療の場/状況別」臨床判断ケーススタディ
1)O'Horo JC, et al : Bedside diagnosis of dysphagia ; a systematic review. J Hosp Med 10(4) : 256-265, 2015. PMID 25581840
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3)Rowat A : Enteral tube feeding for dysphagic stroke patients. Br J Nurs 24(3) : 138, 140, 142-145, 2015. PMID 25679242
4)Turner M, et al : Agreement between routine electronic hospital discharge and Scottish Stroke Care Audit (SSCA) data in identifying stroke in the Scottish population. BMC Health Serv Res 15 : 583, 2015. PMID 26719156
5)Jain R, et al, ASGE Standards of Practice Committee : The role of endoscopy in enteral feeding. Gastrointest Endosc 74(1) : 7-12, 2011. PMID 21704804
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7)Masaki S, et al : Comparison of long-term outcomes between enteral nutrition via gastrostomy and total parenteral nutrition in older persons with dysphagia ; a propensity-matched cohort study. PLoS One 14(10) : e0217120, 2019. PMID 31577813
8)Gomes CAR Jr, et al : Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy versus nasogastric tube feeding for adults with swallowing disturbances. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2015(5) : CD008096, 2015. PMID 25997528
9)牧野亜沙美,他:高齢者の胃瘻造設を代理決定した家族の思いと医療者の関わり.岐阜看護研究会誌5 : 43-50, 2013.