特集 不整脈治療の最新デバイステクノロジーとリードマネジメント
1) Tjong FV, Reddy VY:Permanent Leadless Cardiac Pacemaker Therapy:A Comprehensive Review. Circulation 135:1458-1470, 2017
2) Kirkfeldt RE, Johansen JB, Nohr EA, et al:Complications after cardiac implantable electronic device implantations:an analysis of a complete, nationwide cohort in Denmark. Eur Heart J 35:1186-1194, 2014
3) Piccini JP, Stromberg K, Jackson KP, et al:Long-term outcomes in leadless Micra transcatheter pacemakers with elevated thresholds at implantation:Results from the Micra Transcatheter Pacing System Global Clinical Trial. Heart Rhythm 14:685-691, 2017
4) El-Chami MF, Al-Samadi F, Clementy N, et al:Updated performance of the Micra transcatheter pacemaker in the real-world setting:A comparison to the investigational study and a transvenous historical control. Heart Rhythm 15:1800-1807, 2018
5) Madhavan M, Mulpuru SK, McLeod CJ, et al:Advances and Future Directions in Cardiac Pacemakers:Part 2 of a 2-Part Series. J Am Coll Cardiol 69:211-235, 2017
6) Chinitz L, Ritter P, Khelae SK, et al:Accelerometer-based atrioventricular synchronous pacing with a ventricular leadless pacemaker:Results from the Micra atrioventricular feasibility studies. Heart Rhythm 15:1363-1371, 2018
7) Auricchio A, Delnoy PP, Regoli F, et al:First-in-man implantation of leadless ultrasound-based cardiac stimulation pacing system:novel endocardial left ventricular resynchronization therapy in heart failure patients. Europace 15:1191-1197, 2013
8) Tjong FVY, Brouwer TF, Kooiman KM, et al:Communicating Antitachycardia Pacing-Enabled Leadless Pacemaker and Subcutaneous Implantable Defibrillator. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016 Apr 19;67(15):1865-1866