特集 不整脈治療の最新デバイステクノロジーとリードマネジメント
・selectiveヒス束ペーシングよりnon selectiveヒス束ペーシングが望ましい.
・selectiveヒス束ペーシングよりnon selectiveヒス束ペーシングが望ましい.
1) Vijayaraman P, Dandamudi G, Zanon F, et al:Permanent His bundle pacing:Recommendations from a Multicenter His Bundle Pacing Collaborative Working Group for standardization of definitions, implant measurements, and follow-up. Heart Rhythm 15:460-468, 2018
2) Vijayaraman P, Naperkowski A, Subzposh FA, et al:Permanent His-bundle pacing:Long-term lead performance and clinical outcomes. Heart Rhythm 15:696-702, 2018
3) Hasumi E, Fujiu K, Kawata T, et al:The influence of His bundle pacing on tricuspid valve functioning using three-dimensional echocardiography. HeartRhythm Case Rep 4:437-438, 2018
4) Sato T, Soejima K, Maeda A, et al:Deep Negative Deflection in Unipolar His-Bundle Electrogram as a Predictor of Excellent His-Bundle Pacing Threshold Postimplant. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 12:e007415, 2019
5) Hasumi E, Fujiu K, Nakanishi K, et al:Impacts of Left Bundle/Peri-Left Bundle Pacing on Left Ventricular Contraction. Circ J 83:1965-1967, 2019