特集 不整脈治療の最新デバイステクノロジーとリードマネジメント
1) Wilkoff BL, Byrd CL, Love CJ, et al:Pacemaker lead extraction with the laser sheath:results of the pacing lead extraction with the excimer sheath(PLEXES)trial. J Am Coll Cardiol 33:1671-1676, 1999
2) Nishii N, Morimoto Y, Miyoshi A, et al:Prognosis after lead extraction in patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices infection:Comparison of lead-related infective endocarditis with pocket infection in a Japanese single-center experience. J Arrhythm 35:654-663, 2019
3) Bongiorni MG, Soldati E, Zucchelli G, et al:Transvenous removal of pacing and implantable cardiac defibrillating leads using single sheath mechanical dilatation and multiple venous approaches:high success rate and safety in more than 2000 leads. Eur Heart J 29:2886-2893, 2008
4) Bongiorni MG, Kennergren C, Butter C, et al:The European Lead Extraction ConTRolled(ELECTRa)study:a European Heart Rhythm Association(EHRA)Registry of Transvenous Lead Extraction Outcomes. Eur Heart J 38:2995-3005, 2017
5) Kusumoto FM, Schoenfeld MH, Wilkoff BL, et al:2017 HRS expert consensus statement on cardiovascular implantable electronic device lead management and extraction. Heart Rhythm 14:e503-e551, 2017
6) Hauser RG, Katsiyiannis WT, Gornick CC, et al:Deaths and cardiovascular injuries due to device-assisted implantable cardioverter-defibrillator and pacemaker lead extraction. Europace 12:395-401, 2010
7) Wilkoff BL, Kennergren C, Love CJ, et al:Bridge to surgery:Best practice protocol derived from early clinical experience with the Bridge Occlusion Balloon. Federated Agreement from the Eleventh Annual Lead Management Symposium. Heart Rhythm 14:1574-1578, 2017