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特集 進化するカテーテルインターベンション—適応の広がりとデバイスの革新 Ⅲ章 構造的心疾患(SHD)に対するインターベンション

卵円孔開存のカテーテル閉鎖術(PFO closure)

著者: 赤木禎治1

所属機関: 1岡山大学循環器内科

ページ範囲:P.424 - P.430



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3)Sondergaard L, Kasner SE, Rhodes JF, et al : Patent Foramen Ovale Closure or Antiplatelet Therapy for Cryptogenic Stroke. N Engl J Med 377 : 1033-1042, 2017
4)Mas JL, Derumeaux G, Guillon B, et al : Patent Foramen Ovale Closure or Anticoagulation vs. Antiplatelets after Stroke. N Engl J Med 377 : 1011-1021, 2017
5)Kasner SE, Rhodes JF, Andersen G, et al : Five-Year Outcomes of PFO Closure or Antiplatelet Therapy for Cryptogenic Stroke. N Engl J Med 384 : 970-971, 2021
6)日本脳卒中学会 脳卒中ガイドライン委員会(編):脳卒中治療ガイドライン2021.協和企画,2021
7)Takaya Y, Nakayama R, Akagi T, et al : Importance of saline contrast transthoracic echocardiography for evaluating large right-to-left shunt in patent foramen ovale associated with cryptogenic stroke. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging 38 : 515-520, 2022
8)Takaya Y, Watanabe N, Ikeda M, et al : Importance of Abdominal Compression Valsalva Maneuver and Microbubble Grading in Contrast Transthoracic Echocardiography for Detecting Patent Foramen Ovale. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 33 : 201-206, 2020
9)Nakayama R, Takaya Y, Akagi T, et al : Identification of High-Risk Patent Foramen Ovale Associated With Cryptogenic Stroke : Development of a Scoring System. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 32 : 811-816, 2019
10)Turc G, Lee JY, Brochet E, et al : Atrial Septal Aneurysm, Shunt Size, and Recurrent Stroke Risk in Patients With Patent Foramen Ovale. J Am Coll Cardiol 75 : 2312-2320, 2020
11)Takaya Y, Nakayama R, Akagi T, et al : Importance of direct right-to-left shunt as high-risk patent foramen ovale associated with cryptogenic stroke. Echocardiography 38 : 1887-1892, 2021
12)Kwon H, Lee PH, Song JK, et al : Patent Foramen Ovale Closure in Old Stroke Patients : A Subgroup Analysis of the DEFENSE-PFO Trial. J Stroke 23 : 289-292, 2021





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