特集 心房細動—予防・早期発見・治療の進化
1)Inoue H, Fujiki A, Origasa H, et al. Prevalence of atrial fibrillation in the general population of Japan : An analysis based on periodic health examination. Int J Cardiol 2009 ; 137 : 102-7.
2)Akao M, Chun YH, Wada H, et al. Fushimi AF Registry Investigators. Current status of clinical background of patients with atrial fibrillation in a community-based survey : The Fushimi AF Registry. J Cardiol 2013 ; 61 : 260-6.
3)Schnabel RB, Yin X, Gona P, et al. 50 year trends in atrial fibrillation prevalence, incidence, risk factors, and mortality in the Framingham Heart Study : a cohort study. Lancet 2015 ; 386 : 154-62.
4)Ball J, Løchen ML, Wilsgaard T, et al. Sex differences in the impact of body mass index on the risk of future atrial fibrillation : insights from the longitudinal population-based Tromsø Study. J Am Heart Assoc 2018 ; 7 : e008414.
5)Gallagher C, Hendriks JML, Elliott AD, et al. Alcohol and incident atrial fibrillation - a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Cardiol 2017 ; 246 : 46-52.
6)Larsson SC, Drca N, Wolk A. Alcohol consumption and risk of atrial fibrillation : a prospective study and dose-response meta-analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 2014 ; 64 : 281-9.
7)McManus DD, Yin X, Gladstone R, et al. Alcohol consumption, left atrial diameter, and atrial fibrillation. J Am Heart Assoc 2016 ; 5 : e004060.
8)Nguyen BL, Fishbein MC, Chen LS, et al. Histopathological substrate for chronic atrial fibrillation in humans. Heart Rhythm 2009 ; 6 : 454-60.
9)Schnabel RB, Sullivan LM, Levy D, et al. Development of a risk score for atrial fibrillation(Framingham Heart Study) : a community. Lancet 2009 ; 28 ; 373 : 739-45.
10)日本高血圧学会 高血圧治療ガイドライン作成委員会.高血圧治療ガイドライン 2019.ライフサイエンス出版,2019.
12)Latini R, Staszewsky L, Sun JL, et al. Incidence of atrial fibrillation in a population with impaired glucose tolerance : the contribution of glucose metabolism and other risk factors. A post hoc analysis of the Nateglinide and Valsartan in Impaired Glucose Tolerance Outcomes Research trial. Am Heart J 2013 ; 166 : 935-40.
13)Zhao E, Chen S, Du Y, et al. Association between sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome and the risk of atrial fibrillation : a meta-analysis of cohort study. Biomed Res Int 2018 ; 2018 : 5215868.
14)Alonso A, Lopez FL, Matsushita K, et al. Chronic kidney disease is associated with incidence of atrial fibrillation. The Atherosclerosis risk in communities(ARIC)study. Circulation 2011 ; 123 : 2946-53.
15)Nakamura A, Kuroda J, Ago T, et al. Causes of Ischemic Stroke in Patients with Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation. Cerebrovasc Dis 2016 ; 42 : 196-204.
16)Esato M, Chun YH, An Y, et al. Clinical impact of asymptomatic presentation status in patients with paroxysmal and sustained atrial fibrillation : The Fushimi AF Registry. Chest 2017 ; 152 : 1266-75.
17)日本循環器学会,日本不整脈心電学会.2022年改訂版 不整脈の診断とリスク評価に関するガイドライン.https://www.j-circ.or.jp/cms/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/JCS2022_Takase.pdf(2024年4月閲覧)
18)Perez MV, Mahaffey KW, Hedlin H, et al. Large-Scale Assessment of a Smartwatch to Identify Atrial Fibrillation. N Engl J Med 2019 ; 381 : 1909-17.
19)Turakhia MP, Hoang DD, Zimetbaum P, et al. Diagnostic utility of a novel leadless arrhythmia monitoring device. Am J Cardiol 2013 ; 15 : 520-24.
20)McDonagh TA, Metra M, Adamo M, et al. 2023 Focused Update of the 2021 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic heart failure. Eur Heart J 2023 ; 44 : 3627-39.
21)Marrouche NF, Brachmann J, Andresen D, et al. Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation with Heart Failure. N Engl J Med 2018 ; 378 ; 417-27.