今月の主題 ミトコンドリア病 話題
著者: 西川学1 井上正康1
所属機関: 1大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科基礎医科学専攻分子病態学
ページ範囲:P.72 - P.77
文献購入ページに移動1. はじめに
1) Polyak K, Li Y, Zhu H, et al:Somatic mutations of the mitochondrial genome in human colorectal tumours. Nature Genet 20:291-293, 1998
2) Fliss MS, Usadel H, Caballero OL, et al:Facile detection of mitochondrial DNA mutations in tumors and bodily fluids. Science 287:2017-2019, 2000
3) Nishikawa M, Nishiguchi S, Shiomi S, et al:Somatic mutation of mitochondrial DNA in cancerous and noncancerous liver tissue in individuals with hepatocellular carcinoma. Cancer Res 61:1843-1845, 2001
4) Kubo S, Nishikawa M, Hirohashi K, et al:Multicentric occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with a somatic mutation of mitochondorial DNA and hepatitis C virus. Hepatology Res 25:78-82, 2003
5) Tamori A, Nishikawa M, Nishiguchi S, et al:Relationship between p53 mutation and mitochondrial DNA mutation in hepatocellular carcinoma. J Gastroenterology (in press)
6) Nishikawa M, Nishiguchi S, Kioka H, et al:Interferon reduces somatic mutation of mitochondrial DNA in liver tissue in individuals with chronic hepatitis. J Viral Hepatitis (in press)
7) Nishikawa M, Nagatomi H, Chang BJ, et al:Targeting superoxide dismutase to renal proximal tubule cells inhibits mitochondrial injury and renal dysfunction induced by cisplatin. Arch Biochem Biophys 387:78-86, 2001
8) Chang BJ, Nishikawa M, Sato E, et al:L-Carnitine inhibits cisplatin-induced injury of the kidney and small intestine of the rat. Arch Biochem Biophys 405:55-64, 2002
9) Chang BJ, Nishikawa M, Nishiguchi S, et al:L-Carnitine inhibits hepatocarcinogenesis via protection of mitochondria. Int J Cancer (in press)