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今月の主題 マイクロアレイ技術の進歩 各種アレイによる応用研究


著者: 嶋田裕1 辻本豪三2

所属機関: 1京都大学医学研究科腫瘍外科 2京都大学薬学研究科ゲノム創薬科学

ページ範囲:P.522 - P.529

〔SUMMARY〕 消化器癌で考えられるテーラーメイド治療としては①鑑別診断,②予後再発予測,③化学療法または放射線療法感受性予測,④郭清範囲や治療計画の為のリンパ節転移予測が挙げられる.しかしながら,消化器癌ではマイクロアレイに基づくテーラーメイド治療が実践された報告はまだ認められない.今後テーラーメイド医療として成り立つには,マイクロアレイのデータにより患者を振り分けて治療または診断を行う検証が必要である.〔臨床検査 49:522-529,2005〕


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3) Xu Y, Selaru FM, Yin J, et al:Artificial neural networks and gene filtering distinguish between global gene expression profiles of Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer. Cancer Res 62:3493-3497, 2002
4) Selaru FM, Zou T, Xu Y, et al:Global gene expression profiling in Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer;a comparative analysis using cDNA microarrays. Oncogene 21:475-478, 2002
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7) Zou TT, Selaru FM, Xu Y, et al:Application of cDNA microarrays to generate a molecular taxonomu capable of distinguishing between colon cancer and normal colon. Oncogene 21:4855-4862, 2002
8) Lin YM, Furukawa Y, Tsunoda T, et al:Molecular diagnosis of colorectal tumors by expression profiles of 50 genes expressed differentially in adenomas and carcinomas. Oncogene 21:4120-4128, 2002
9) Selaru FM, Xu Y, Yin J, et al:Artificial neural networks distinguish among subtypes of neoplastic colorectal lesions. Gastroenterology 122:606-613, 2002
10) Okabe H, Satoh S, Kato T, et al:Genome-wide analysis of gene expression in human hepatocellular carcinomas using cDNA microarray:Identification of gene involved in viral carcinogenesis and tumor progression. Cancer Res 61:2129-2137, 2001
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16) Inoue H, Matsuyama A, Mimori M, et al:Prognostic score of gastric cancer determined by cDNA microarray. Clincal Cancer Res 8:3475-3479, 2002
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19) Nakamura T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa H, et al:Genome-wide cDNA microarray analysis of gene expression profiles in pancreatic cancers using popolations of tumor cells and normal ductal epithelial cells selected for purity by laser microdissection. Oncogene 23:2385-2400, 2004
20) Kan T, Shimada Y, Sato F, et al:Prediction of lymph node metastasis with use of artificial neural networks based on gene expression profiles in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Ann Surg Oncol 11:1070-1078, 2004
21) Hasegawa S, Furukawa Y, Li M, et al:Genome-wide analysis of gene expression in intestinal-type gastric cancers using a complementary DNA microarray representing 23,040 genes. Cancer Res 62:7012-7017, 2002
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26) Fukuda K, Sakakura C, Miyagawa K, et al:Differential gene expression profiles of radioresistant oesophageal cancer cell lines established by continuous fractionated irradiation. Br J Cancer 91:1543-1550, 2004
27) Sebastian JL, Rigberg DA, Shrivatsan E, et al:The use of large-scale cDNA analysis to profile differential gene expression in KYSE 410 human esophageal cancer cells after irradiation. Bull Exp Biol Med 130:882-885, 2000
28) Toshimitsu H, Hashimoto K, Tangoku A, et al:Molecular signature linked to acquired resistance to cisplatin in esophageal cancer cells. Cancer Lett 211:69-78, 2004
29) Kihara C, Tsunoda T, Tanaka T, et al:Prediction of sensitivity of esophageal tumors to adjuvant chemotherapy by cDNA microarray analysis of gene-expression profiles. Cancer Res 61:6474-6479, 2001
30) Tanaka T, Tanimoto K, Otani K, et al:Concise prediction models of anticancer efficacy of 8 drugs using expression data from 12 selected genes. Int J Cancer 111:617-626, 2004
31) Kang HC, Kim IJ, Park JH, et al:Identification of genes with differential expression in acquired drug-resistant gastric cancer cells using high-density ologonucleotide microarrays. Clin Cancer Res 10:272-284, 2004
32) Suganuma K, Kubita T, Saikawa Y, et al:Possible chemoresistance-related genes for gastric cancer detected by cDNA microarray. Cancer Sci 94:355-359, 2003
33) Kim HK, Choi IJ, Kim HS, et al:DNA microarray analysis of the correlation between gene expression patterns and aquired resistance to 5-Fu/cisplatin in gastric cancer. BBRC 316:781-789, 2004
34) Mariadason JM, Arango D, Shi Q, et al:Gene expression profiling-based prediction of response of colon carcinoma cells to 5-fluorouracil and camptothecin. Cancer Res 63:8791-8812, 2003
35) Arango D, Wilson AJ, Shi Q, et al:Molecular mechanisms of action and prediction of response to oxaliplatin in colorectal cancer cells. Br J Cancer 91:1931-1946, 2004
36) Lizaka M, Furukawa Y, Tsunoda T, et al:Expression profile analysis of colon cancer cells in response to sulindac or aspirin. BBRC 292:498-512, 2002
37) Mariadason JM, Arango D, Augenlicht LH:Customizing chamotherapy for colon cancer;the potential of gene expression profiling. Drug resistance updates 7:209-218, 2004
38) Moriyama M, Hoshida Y, Kato N, et al:Genes associated with human hepatocellular carcinoma cell chemosensitivity to 5-fluorouracil plus interferon alpha combination chemotherapy. Int J Oncol 25:1279-1287, 2004
39) Kitahara O, Furukawa Y, Tanaka T, et al:Alterations of expression during colorectal carcinogenesis revealed by cDNA microarrays after laser-capture microdissection of tumor tissues and normal epithelia. Cancer Res 61:3544-3549, 2001
40) Perou CM, Jeffrey SS, van de Rijin, et al:Distinctive gene expression patterns in human mammary epithelial cells and breast cancers. Proc natl Acad Sci USA 96:9212-9217, 1999
41) Grutsumann R, Saeger HD, Luttges J, et al:Microarray-based gene expression profiling in oancreatic ductal carcinoma:status quo and perspectives. Int J Colorectal Dis 19:401-413, 2004
42) Haraguchi N, Inoue H, Mimori K, et al:Analysis of gastric cancer with cDNA microarray. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 54:S21-S24, 2004
43) Mori M, Mimori K, Yoshikawa Y, et al:Analysis of the gene-expression profile regarding the progression of human gastric carcinoma. Surgery 131:S39-47, 2002
44) Aoyagi K, Tstsuta T, Nishigaki M, et al:A faithful method for PCR-mediated global mRNA amplification and its integration into microarray analysis on laser-captured cells. BBRC 300:915-920, 2003
45) Liefers GJ:Tollenaar RAEM. cancer genetics and their application to individualised medicine. Er J Cancer 38:872-879, 2002
46) Stuart RO, Wachsman W, Berry CC, et al:In silico dissection of cell type associated patterns of gene expression in prostate cancer. Proc Nath Acad Sci USA 101:615-620, 2004
47) Deprimo SE, Wong LM, Khartry DB, et al:Expression profiling of blood samples from an SU5416 phase III metastatic colorectal cancer clinical trial;a novel strategy for biomarker identification. BMC cancer 3:3, 2003 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2407/3/3
48) Michiels S, Koscielny S, Hill C:Prediction of cancer outcome with microarrays;a multiple random validation strategy. Lancet 365:488-492, 2005





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