今月の主題 結核
結核菌はgenus Mycobacterium に属する病原菌であるが,脂質に富む堅牢な細胞壁をもつため,物理的・化学的な処理に対する抵抗性が強い.さらに体内にあっては,様々な病原因子の働きにより,宿主マクロファージの殺菌メカニズムに対して強い抵抗性を示し,感染部位での滞留性が高い.このように,結核菌はヒトや動物に強い病原性を示し持続感染を引き起こす.そしてその感染症は適切な化学療法なしには極めて難治性である.
1) 冨岡治明:抗酸菌の細菌学.化学療法の領域 21:166-175, 2005
2) Ernst JD, Trevejo-Nuñez G, Banaiee N:Genomics and the evolution, pathogenesis, and diagnosis of tuberculosis. J Clin Invest 117:1738-1745, 2007
from the complete genome sequence. Nature 393:537-544, 1998
:Dawn of a discipline. Cell 104:477-485, 2001
pathogenesis and molecular determinants of virulence. Clin Microbiol Rev 16:463-496, 2003
6) Houben EN, Nguyen L, Pieters J:Interaction of pathogenic mycobacteria with the host immune system. Curr Opin Microbiol 9:76-85, 2006
7) 冨岡治明:抗酸菌症と免疫.臨床と微生物 24:45-52, 1997
. Microbiology 144:1205-1211, 1998
in resistance to peroxynitrite and stage-specific survival in macrophages. Microbiology 148:3139-3144, 2002
expresses a novel pH-dependent divalent cation transporter belonging to the Nramp family. J Exp Med 190:717-724, 1999
BCG. Infect Immun 64:16-22, 1996
in mice. Nature 402:79-83, 1999
13) Pieters J:Entry and survival of pathogenic mycobacteria in macrophages. Microbes Infect 3:249-255, 2001
14) Koul A, Herget T, Klebl B, et al:Interplay between mycobacteria and host signalling pathways. Nat Rev Microbiol 2:189-202, 2004
15) Mueller P, Pieters J:Modulation of macrophage antimicrobial mechanisms by pathogenic mycobacteria. Immunobiology 211:549-556, 2006
and the environment within the phagosome. Immunol Rev 219:37-54, 2007
/calmodulin signals the completion of docking and triggers a late step of vacuole fusion. Nature 396:575-580, 1998
18) Via LE, Deretic D, Ulmer RJ, et al:Arrest of mycobacterial phagosome maturation is caused by a block in vesicle fusion between stages controlled by rab5 and rab7. J Biol Chem 272:13326-13331, 1997
phagosome and evidence that phagosomal maturation is inhibited. J Exp Med 181:257-270, 1995
phagosomes produced by exclusion of the vesicular proton-ATPase. Science 263:678-681, 1994
21) Fratti RA, Backer JM, Gruenberg J, et al:Role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and Rab5 effectors in phagosomal biogenesis and mycobacterial phagosome maturation arrest. J Cell Biol 154:631-644, 2001
22) Ferrari G, Langen H, Naito M, et al:A coat protein on phagosomes involved in the intracellular survival of mycobacteria. Cell 97:435-447, 1999
H37Ra. J Immunol 166:7469-7476, 2001
-dependent process inducing bacterial death by phagosome-lysosome fusion. J Immunol 167:3300-3307, 2001
strains evade apoptosis of infected alveolar macrophages. J Immunol 164:2016-2020, 2000
promotes macrophage survival by phosphorylating Bad through a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt pathway. J Biol Chem 276:329-333, 2001
is mediated by a novel caspase-independent pathway. J Immunol 176:4267-4274, 2006
28) Tomioka H:Adjunctive immunotherapy of mycobacterial infections. Curr Pharm Des 10:3297-3312, 2004