今月の主題 排尿障害
各論 〈疾患モデルと排尿障害〉
1) 平成21年人口動態統計 厚生労働省人口動態調査
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4) Yokoyama O, Komatsu K, Ishiura Y, et al:Change in bladder contractility associated with bladder overactivity in rats with cerebral infarction. J Urol 159:577-580,1998
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18) Yokoyama O, Yusup A, Miwa Y, et al:Effects of tolterodine on an overactive bladder depend on suppression of C-fiber bladder afferent activity in rats. J Urol 174:2032-2036,2005
19) Yokoyama O, Yusup A, Oyama N, et alu:uImprovement of bladder storage function by alpha1-blocker depends on the suppression of C-fiber afferent activity in rats. Neurourol Urodyn 25:461-467,2006
20) Ishihama H, Momota Y, Yanase H, et al:Activation of alpha1D adrenergic receptors in the rat urothelium facilitates the micturition reflex. J Urol 175:358-364,2006
21) Yokoyama O, Yusup A, Oyama N, et al:Improvement in bladder storage function by tamusulosin depends on suppression of C-fiber urethral afferent activity in rats. J Urol 177:771-775,2007
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