今月の主題 癌幹細胞と検査医学
各論 〈検査〉
癌幹細胞の分離・同定に用いられるマーカーは大きく分けて,細胞表面抗原であるCDマーカーと,細胞内の代謝活性を利用した方法とに分けられる.固形癌におけるCDマーカーには,CD44,CD133などの多くのタイプの癌に共通のマーカーと,組織特異的なマーカーに分けられる.代謝活性を指標にしたマーカーは,ヒト以外の動物細胞でも応用可能で,ヘキスト色素の排出能を指標にしたSide population法と,ALDH1酵素活性を検出する方法があり,いずれもフローサイトメーターで検出できる.
1) 山崎裕人,森本幾夫:血液腫瘍における癌幹細胞.病理と臨床 25:325-330,2007
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3) Klonisch T, Wiechec E, Hombach-Klonisch S, et al:Cancer stem cell markers in common cancers-therapeutic implications. Trends Mol Med 14:450-460,2008
4) Visvader JE, Lindeman GJ:Cancer stem cells in solid tumours:accumulating evidence and unresolved questions. Nat Rev Cancer 8:755-768,2008
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cancer stem cells with metastatic capacity in human colorectal cancer. Cell Stem Cell 6:603-615,2010
7) Moserle L, Ghisi M, Amadori A, et al:Side population and cancer stem cells:Therapeutic implications. Cancer Lett 288:1-9,2010
8) Nishii T, Yashiro M, Shinto O, et al:Cancer stem cell-like SP cells have a high adhesion ability to the peritoneum in gastric carcinoma. Cancer Sci 100:1397-1402,2009
9) Ho MM, Ng AV, Lam S, et al:Side population in human lung cancer cell lines and tumors is enriched with stem-like cancer cells. Cancer Res 67:4827-4833,2007
10) Murase M, Kano M, Tsukahara T, et al:Side population cells have the characteristics of cancer stem-like cells/cancer-initiating cells in bone sarcomas. Br J Cancer 101:1425-1432,2009
11) Wu C, Wei Q, Utomo V, et al:Side population cells isolated from mesenchymal neoplasms have tumor initiating potential. Cancer Res 67:8216-8222,2007
12) Rasheed ZA, Yang J, Wang Q, et al:Prognostic significance of tumorigenic cells with mesenchymal features in pancreatic adenocarcinoma. J Nat Can Inst 102:340-351,2010
13) Jiang F, Qiu Q, Khanna A, et al:Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 is a tumor stem cell-associated marker in lung cancer. Mol Cancer Res 7:330-338,2009
14) Lathia JD, Gallagher J, Heddleston JM, et al:Integrin alpha 6 regulates glioblastoma stem cells. Cell Stem Cell 6:421-432,2010
15) Haraguchi N, Ishii H, Mimori K, et al:CD13 is a therapeutic target in human liver cancer stem cells. J Clin Inves 120:3326-3339,2010
16) Takaishi S, Okumura T, Tu S, et al:Identification of gastric cancer stem cells using the cell surface marker CD44. Stem Cells 27:1006-1020,2009
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19) Curley MD, Therrien VA, Cummings CL, et al:CD133 expression defines a tumor initiating cell population in primary human ovarian cancer. Stem Cells 27:2875-2883,2009
cells from hierarchically organized ovarian cancer are enriched in cancer stem cells. Oncogene 29:2672-2680,2010
21) Rutella S, Bonanno G, Procoli A, et al:Cells with characteristics of cancer stem/progenitor cells express the CD133 antigen in human endometrial tumors. Clin Cancer Res 15:4299-4311,2009
22) Ghani FI, Yamazaki H, Iwata S, et al:Identification of cancer stem cell markers in human malignant mesothelioma cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 404:735-742,2011
23) Misaghian N, Ligresti G, Steelman LS, et al:Targeting the leukemic stem cell:the Holy Grail of leukemia therapy. Leukemia 23:25-42,2009
24) Vormoor HJ:Malignant stem cells in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia:the stem cell concept revisited. Cell Cycle 8:996-999,2009
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26) Nishida H, Yamazaki H, Yamada T, et al:CD9 correlates with cancer stem cell potentials in human B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 382:57-62,2009
27) Yamazaki H, Nishida H, Iwata S, et al:CD90 and CD110 correlate with cancer stem cell potentials in human T-acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 383:172-177,2009
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31) Kikushige Y, Shima T, Takayanagi S, et al:TIM-3 is a promising target to selectively kill acute myeloid leukemia stem cells. Cell Stem Cell 7:708-717,2010