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今月の主題 癌幹細胞と検査医学 各論


著者: 加藤弘1 山下継史1 渡邊昌彦1

所属機関: 1北里大学医学部外科

ページ範囲:P.489 - P.494



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37) Dylla SJ, Beviglia L, Park IK, et al:Colorectal cancer stem cells are enriched in xenogeneic tumors following chemotherapy. PLoS One 3:e2428,2008
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39) Todaro M, Alea MP, Di Stefano AB, et al:Colon cancer stem cells dictate tumor growth and resist cell death by production of interleukin-4. Cell Stem Cell 1:389-402,2007
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41) Todaro M, Perez Alea M, Scopelliti A, et al:IL-4-mediated drug resistance in colon cancer stem cells. Cell Cycle 7:309-313,2008





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