今月の主題 癌幹細胞と検査医学
1) Cotsarelis G, Cheng SZ, Dong G, et al:Existence of slow-cycling limbal epithelial basal cells that can be preferentially stimulated to proliferate:implications on epithelial stem cells. Cell 57:201-209,1989
2) Cotsarelis G, Sun TT, Lavker RM:Label-retaining cells reside in the bulge area of pilosebaceous unit:implications for follicular stem cells, hair cycle, and skin carcinogenesis. Cell 61:1329-1337,1990
3) English HF, Kyprianou N, Isaacs JT:Relationship between DNA fragmentation and apoptosis in the programmed cell death in the rat prostate following castration. Prostate 15:233-250,1989
4) Isaacs JT, Coffey DS:Etiology and disease process of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Prostate Suppl 2:33-50,1989
5) Tsujimura A, Koikawa Y, Salm S, et al:Proximal location of mouse prostate epithelial stem cells:a model of prostatic homeostasis. J Cell Biol 157:1257-1265,2002
6) Tsujimura A, Fujita K, Komori K, et al:Prostatic stem cell marker identified by cDNA microarray in mouse. J Urol 178:686-691,2007
7) Lawson DA, Xin L, Lukacs RU, et al:Isolation and functional characterization of murine prostate stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104:181-186,2007
8) Leong KG, Wang BE, Johnson L, et al:Generation of a prostate from a single adult stem cell. Nature 456:804-808,2008
9) Xin L, Lawson DA, Witte ON:The Sca-1 cell surface marker enriches for a prostate-regenerating cell subpopulation that can initiate prostate tumorigenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102:6942-6947,2005
10) Richardson GD, Robson CN, Lang SH, et al:CD133, a novel marker for human prostatic epithelial stem cells. J Cell Sci 117:3539-3545,2004
epithelial cells from human prostate. Prostate 68:1007-1024,2008
12) Collins AT, Berry PA, Hyde C, et al:Prospective identification of tumorigenic prostate cancer stem cells. Cancer Res 65:10946-10951,2005
13) Miki J, Furusato B, Li H, et al:Identification of putative stem cell markers, CD133 and CXCR4, in hTERT-immortalized primary nonmalignant and malignant tumor-derived human prostate epithelial cell lines and in prostate cancer specimens. Cancer Res 67:3153-3161,2007
14) Bonkhoff H, Remberger K:Differentiation pathways and histogenetic aspects of normal and abnormal prostatic growth:a stem cell model. Prostate 28:98-106,1996
15) Calabrese C, Poppleton H, Kocak M, et al:A perivascular niche for brain tumor stem cells. Cancer Cell 11:69-82,2007