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今月の主題 RNAの解析

各論 〈病態疾患と動態解析〉


著者: 山下暁朗12

所属機関: 1横浜市立大学大学院医学部医学科 2横浜市立大学先端医科学研究センター

ページ範囲:P.885 - P.891




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3) Usuki F, Yamashita A, Kashima I, et al : Specific inhibition of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay components, SMG-1 or Upf1, rescues the phenotype of Ullrich disease fibroblasts. Mol Ther 14:351-360,2006
4) Linde L, Kerem B. Introducing sense into nonsense in treatments of human genetic diseases. Trends Genet 24:552-563,2008
5) Durand S, Lykke-Andersen J. SnapShot : Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. Cell 145:324-324e2,2011
6) Nicholson P, Yepiskoposyan H, Metze S, et al : Nonsense-mediated mRNA decay in human cells : mechanistic insights, functions beyond quality control and the double-life of NMD factors. Cell Mol Life Sci 67:677-700,2010
7) Kashima I, Yamashita A, Izumi N, et al : Binding of a novel SMG-1-Upf1-eRF1-eRF3 complex (SURF) to the exon junction complex triggers Upf1 phosphorylation and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. Genes Dev 20:355-367,2006
8) Yamashita A, Izumi N, Kashima I, et al : SMG-8 and SMG-9, two novel subunits of the SMG-1 complex, regulate remodeling of the mRNA surveillance complex during nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. Genes Dev 23:1091-1105,2009
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10) Ohnishi T, Yamashita A, Kashima I, et al : Phosphorylation of hUPF1 induces formation of mRNA surveillance complexes containing hSMG-5 and hSMG-7. Mol Cell 12:1187-1200,2003
11) Kashima I, Jonas S, Jayachandran U, et al : SMG6 interacts with the exon junction complex via two conserved EJC-binding motifs (EBMs) required for nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. Genes Dev 24:2440-2450,2010
12) Hogg JR, Goff SP. Upf1 senses 3′UTR length to potentiate mRNA decay. Cell 143:379-389,2010
13) Singh G, Rebbapragada I, Lykke-Andersen J. A competition between stimulators and antagonists of Upf complex recruitment governs human nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. PLoS Biol 6:e111,2008
14) Eberle AB, Stalder L, Mathys H, et al : Posttranscriptional gene regulation by spatial rearrangement of the 3′ untranslated region. PLoS Biol 6:e92,2008
15) McGlincy NJ, Smith CW. Alternative splicing resulting in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay : what is the meaning of nonsense? Trends Biochem Sci 33:385-393,2008
16) Frischmeyer PA, van Hoof A, O'Donnell K, et al : An mRNA surveillance mechanism that eliminates transcripts lacking termination codons. Science 295:2258-2261,2002
17) van Hoof A, Frischmeyer PA, Dietz HC, et al : Exosome-mediated recognition and degradation of mRNAs lacking a termination codon. Science 295:2262-2264,2002
18) Inada T, Aiba H. Translation of aberrant mRNAs lacking a termination codon or with a shortened 3′-UTR is repressed after initiation in yeast. EMBO J 24:1584-1595,2005
19) Ito-Harashima S, Kuroha K, Tatematsu T, et al : Translation of the poly(A) tail plays crucial roles in nonstop mRNA surveillance via translation repression and protein destabilization by proteasome in yeast. Genes Dev 21:519-524,2007
20) Akimitsu N, Tanaka J, Pelletier J. Translation of nonSTOP mRNA is repressed post-initiation in mammalian cells. EMBO J 26:2327-2338,2007
21) Kuroha K, Akamatsu M, Dimitrova L, et al : Receptor for activated C kinase 1 stimulates nascent polypeptide-dependent translation arrest. EMBO Rep 11:956-961,2010
22) Kobayashi K, Kikuno I, Kuroha K, et al : Structural basis for mRNA surveillance by archaeal Pelota and GTP-bound EF1α complex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107:17575-17579,2010
23) Meaux S, Van Hoof A. Yeast transcripts cleaved by an internal ribozyme provide new insight into the role of the cap and poly(A) tail in translation and mRNA decay. RNA 12:1323-1337,2006
24) Doma MK, Parker R. Endonucleolytic cleavage of eukaryotic mRNAs with stalls in translation elongation. Nature 440:561-564,2006
25) Shoemaker CJ, Eyler DE, Green R. Dom34 : Hbs1 promotes subunit dissociation and peptidyl-tRNA drop-off to initiate no-go decay. Science 330:369-372,2010
26) Yamashita A, Ohnishi T, Kashima I, et al : Human SMG-1, a novel phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related protein kinase, associates with components of the mRNA surveillance complex and is involved in the regulation of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. Genes Dev 15:2215-2228,2001
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28) Noensie EN, Dietz HC. A strategy for disease gene identification through nonsense-mediated mRNA decay inhibition. Nat Biotechnol 19:434-439,2001





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