今月の主題 認知症と臨床検査
1) Ferri CP, Prince M, Brayne C, et al : Global prevalence of dementia : a Delphi consensus study. Lancet 366:2112-2117,2005
2) Ikeda M, Hokoishi K, Maki N, et al : Increased prevalence of vascular dementia in Japan : a community-based epidemiological study. Neurology 57:839-844,2001
3) Yamada T, Hattori H, Miura A, et al : Prevalence of Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia and dementia with Lewy bodies in a Japanese population. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 55:21-25,2001
4) Meguro K, Ishii H, Yamaguchi S, et al : Prevalence of dementia and dementing diseases in Japan : the Tajiri project. Arch Neurol 59:1109-1114,2002
5) Wakutani Y, Kusumi M, Wada K, et al : Longitudinal changes in the prevalence of dementia in a Japanese rural area. Psychogeriatrics 7:150-154,2007
6) Wada-Isoe K, Uemura Y, Suto Y, et al : Prevalence of dementia in the rural island town of Ama-cho, Japan. Neuroepidemiology 32:101-106,2009
7) 清原裕,谷崎弓裕:地域高齢者の今―高齢者を対称とした疫学研究より:久山町研究―認知症.日老医誌 45:163-165,2008
8) 鈴木道雄,福田孜,成瀬優知,他:富山県における老人性痴呆実態調査からみた痴呆有病率の推移.老年精医誌 14:1509-1518,2003
9) Petersen RC : Mild cognitive impairment as a diagnostic entity. J Intern Med 256:183-194,2004
10) Ganguli M, Dodge HH, Shen C, et al : Mild cognitive impairment, amnestic type : an epidemiologic study. Neurology 63:115-121,2004
11) Manly JJ, Bell-McGinty S, Tang MX, et al : Implementing diagnostic criteria and estimating frequency of mild cognitive impairment in an urban community. Arch Neurol 62:1739-1746,2005
12) Sasaki M, Kodama C, Hidaka S, et al : Prevalence of four subtypes of mild cognitive impairment and APOE in a Japanese community. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 24:1119-1126,2009
13) 高齢者介護研究会:2015年の高齢者介護―高齢者の尊厳を支えるケアの確立に向けて.厚生労働省老健局,2003
14) Man-Son-Hing M, Marshall SC, Molnar FJ, et al : Systematic review of driving risk and the efficacy of compensatory strategies in persons with dementia. J Am Geriatr Soc 55:878-884,2007
15) Molnar FJ, Patel A, Marshall SC, et al : Clinical utility of office-based cognitive predictors of fitness to drive in persons with dementia : A systematic review. J Am Geriatr Soc 54:1809-1824,2006