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今月の主題 鉄代謝のバイオマーカー 各論 〈疾患と鉄代謝〉


著者: 巽康彰1 服部亜衣1 加藤宏一1 林久男1

所属機関: 1愛知学院大学薬学部薬物治療学講座

ページ範囲:P.1103 - P.1109



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20) Hattori A, Tomosugi N, Tatsumi Y, et al : Identification of a novel mutation in the HAMP gene that causes non-detectable hepcidin molecules in a Japanese male patient with juvenile hemochromatosis. Blood Cells Mol Dis 48:179-182,2012
21) Hattori A, Wakusawa S, Hayashi H, et al : AVAQ 594-597 deletion of the TfR2 gene in a Japanese family with hemochromatosis. Hepatol Res 26:154-156,2003
22) Girelli D, Bozzini C, Roetto A, et al : Clinical and pathologic findings in hemochromatosis type 3 due to a novel mutation in transferrin receptor 2 gene. Gastroenterology 122:1295-1302,2002
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28) Koyama C, Wakusawa S, Hayashi H, et al : A Japanese family with ferroportin desease caused by a novel mutation of SLC40A1 gene : hyperferritinemia associated with a relatively low transferrin saturation of iron. Intern Med 44:990-993,2005
29) Liu W, Shimomura S, Imanishi H, et al : Hemochromatosis with mutation of the ferroportin 1 (IREG1) gene. Intern Med 44:285-289,2005
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32) Cremonesi L, Forni GL, Soriani N, et al : Genetic and clinical heterogeneity of ferroportin disease. Br J Haematol 131:663-670,2005
33) McNeill A, Pandolfo M, Kuhn J, et al : The neurological presentation of ceruloplasmin gene mutations. Eur Neurol 60:200-205,2008





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