今月の主題 めまいの生理検査
1) Imai T, Takeda N, Morita M, et al : Rotation vector analysis of eye movement in three dimensions with an infrared CCD camera. Acta Otolaryngol 119:24-28,1999
2) Robinson DA : A method of measuring eye movement using a scleral search coil in a magnetic field. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 10:137-145,1963
3) 今井貴夫,滝本泰光,宇野敦彦,他:先天性眼振の240Hz眼球運動三次元解析.Equilibrium Res 70:381,2011
4) Imai T, Moore ST, Raphan T, et al : Interaction of the body, head, and eyes during walking and turning. Exp Brain Res 136;1-18,2001
5) Sekine K, Imai T, Morita M, et al : Vertical canal function in normal subjects and patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Acta Otolaryngol 124:1046-1052,2004
6) 今井貴夫,関根和教,武田憲昭,他:VOGによる眼球運動三次元軸解析.Equilibrium Res 65:408-421,2006
7) Haslwanter T : Mathematics of three-dimensional eye rotations. Vision Res 35:1727-1739,1995
8) 今井貴夫,武田憲昭:眼球運動三次元回転軸解析の臨床応用.耳鼻臨床 100:599-613,2007
9) Schnabolk C, Raphan T : Modeling three dimensional velocity-to-position transformation in oculomotor control. J Neurophysiol 71:623-638,1994
10) Haustein W : Considerations on Listing's law and the primary position by means of a matrix description of eye position control. Biol Cybern 60:411-420,1989
11) Tweed D, Vilis T : Implications of rotational kinematics for the oculomotor system in three dimensions. J Neurophysiol 58:832-849,1987
12) 今井貴夫:Video-oculography(VOG) 眼球運動の三次元解析.Equilibrium Res 62:61-74,2003
13) 池田卓夫,橋本誠,堀池修,他:NIH Imageを用いた簡易眼球運動画像解析法 三次元解析と回転軸解析について.Equilibrium Res 61:90-96,2002
14) Moore ST, Haslwanter T, Curthoys IS, et al : A geometric basis for measurement of three-dimensional eye position using image processing. Vision Res 36:445-459,1996
15) 肥塚泉:診断に必要な眼振の生理学.JOHNS 22:147-150,2006
16) Cohen B, Tokumasu K, Goto K : Semicircular canal nerve eye and head movements. The effect of changes in initial eye and head position on the plane of the induced movement. Arch Ophthalmol 76:523-531,1966