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今月の特集1 肺癌診断update


著者: 荒川浩明1

所属機関: 1獨協医科大学放射線医学教室

ページ範囲:P.982 - P.987







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13)Ashraf H, Dirksen A, Loft A, et al:Combined use of positron emission tomography and volume doubling time in lung cancer screening with low-dose CT scanning. Thorax 66:315-319,2011
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16)Qu X, Huang X, Yan W, et al:A meta-analysis of 18FDG-PET-CT, 18FDG-PET, MRI and bone scintigraphy for diagnosis of bone metastases in patients with lung cancer. Eur J Radiol 81:1007-1015,2012
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20)Oken MM, Hocking WG, Kvale PA, et al:Screening by chest radiograph and lung cancer mortality: the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, and Ovarian (PLCO) randomized trial. JAMA 306:1865-1873,2011
21)平成18年度 厚生労働省がん研究助成金「がん検診の適切な方法とその評価法の確立に関する研究」班:有効性評価に基づく肺がん検診ガイドライン,pp14-19,2006
22)National Lung Screening Trial Research Team, Aberle DR, Adams AM, et al:Reduced lung-cancer mortality with low-dose computed tomographic Screening. N Engl J Med 365:395-409,2011
23)Saghir Z, Dirksen A, Ashraf H, et al:CT screening for lung cancer brings forward early disease. The randomised Danish Lung Cancer Screening Trial: status after five annual screening rounds with low-dose CT. Thorax 67:296-301,2012
24)Bach PB, Mirkin JN, Oliver TK, et al:Benefits and harms of CT screening for lung cancer: a systematic review. JAMA 307:2418-2429,2012





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