今月の特集1 血液培養検査を感染症診療に役立てる
1)Tokuda Y, Miyasato H, Stein GH, et al:The degree of chills for risk of bacteremia in acute febrile illness. Am J Med 118:1417,2005
2)Coburn B, Morris AM, Tomlinson G, et al:Does this adult patient with suspected bacteremia require blood cultures? JAMA 308:502-511,2012
3)Freifeld AG, Bow EJ, Sepkowitz KA, et al:Clinical practice guideline for the use of antimicrobial agents in neutropenic patients with cancer: 2010 update by the infectious diseases society of america. Clin Infect Dis 52:e56-e93,2011
4)Bayer AS, Bolger AF, Taubert KA, et al:Diagnosis and management of infective endocarditis and its complications. Circulation 98:2936-2948,1998
5)Mermel LA, Maki DG:Detection of bacteremia in adults: consequences of culturing an inadequate volume of blood. Ann Intern Med 119:270-272,1993
6)Cockerill FR 3rd, Wilson JW, Vetter EA, et al:Optimal testing parameters for blood cultures. Clin Infect Dis 38:1724-1730,2004
7)Baron EJ:Cumitech 1C, Blood Cultures IV, American Society for Microbiology Press, Washington, DC, p4, 2005
8)Kellogg JA, Manzella JP, Bankert DA:Frequency of low-level bacteremia in children from birth to fifteen years of age. J Clin Microbiol 38:2181-2185,2000
9)Kellogg JA, Ferrentino FL, Goodstein MH, et al:Frequency of low level bacteremia in infants from birth to two months of age. Pediatr Infect Dis J 16:381-385,1997
10)Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI):Principles and Procedures for Blood Cultures; Approved Guideline. CLSI document M47-A, CLSI, Wayne PA, 2007
11)笠井正志,志馬伸朗,齋藤昭彦,他:本邦複数の小児医療施設における血液培養採取量と検出率に関する観察研究.感染症誌 87:620-623,2013
12)Shoji K, Komuro H, Watanabe Y, et al:The utility of anaerobic blood culture in detecting facultative anaerobic bacteremia in children. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 76:409-412,2013
13)Lee A, Mirrett S, Reller LB, et al:Detection of bloodstream infections in adults: how many blood cultures are needed? J Clin Microbiol 45:3546-3548,2007
14)Weinstein MP, Towns ML, Quartey SM, et al:The clinical significance of positive blood cultures in the 1990s: a prospective comprehensive evaluation of the microbiology, epidemiology, and outcome of bacteremia and fungemia in adults. Clin Infect Dis 24:584-602,1997
15)Reimer LG, Wilson ML, Weinstein MP:Update on detection of bacteremia and fungemia. Clin Microbiol Rev 10:444-465,1997
16)Buttery JP:Blood cultures in newborns and children: optimising an everyday test. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 87:F25-F28,2002
17)Sarkar S, Bhagat I, DeCristofaro JD, et al:A study of the role of multiple site blood cultures in the evaluation of neonatal sepsis. J Perinatol 26:18-22,2006
18)Karahan ZC, Mumcuoglu I, Guriz H, et al:PCR evaluation of false-positive signals from two automated blood-culture systems. J Med Microbiol 55(Pt 1):53-57,2006
19)Qian Q, Tang YW, Kolbert CP, et al:Direct identification of bacteria from positive blood cultures by amplification and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene: evaluation of BACTEC 9240 instrument true-positive and false-positive results. J Clin Microbiol 39:3578-3582,2001
20)O’Grady NP, Alexander M, Burns LA, et al:Guidelines for the prevention of intravascular catheter-related infections. Am J Infect Control 39(4 Suppl 1):S1-S34,2011
21)Kiyoyama T, Tokuda Y, Shiiki S, et al:Isopropyl alcohol compared with isopropyl alcohol plus povidone-iodine as skin preparation for prevention of blood culture contamination. J Clin Microbiol 47:54-58,2009
22)Kim NH, Kim M, Lee S, et al:Effect of routine sterile gloving on contamination rates in blood culture: a cluster randomized trial. Ann Intern Med 154:145-151,2011
23)Spitalnic SJ, Woolard RH, Mermel LA:The significance of changing needles when inoculating blood cultures: a meta-analysis. Clin Infect Dis 21:1103-1106,1995
24)Snyder SR, Favoretto AM, Baetz RA, et al:Effectiveness of practices to reduce blood culture contamination: a Laboratory Medicine Best Practices systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Biochem 45(13-14):999-1011,2012
25)Mermel LA, Allon M, Bouza E, et al:Clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of intravascular catheter-related infection: 2009 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Clin Infect Dis 49:1-45,2009