今月の特集1 甲状腺疾患診断NOW
1)鬼形和道:小児科関連の甲状腺疾患の遺伝子変異.日甲状腺会誌 3:93-99,2012
2)村田善晴:甲状腺ホルモン不応症の診断基準作成.日甲状腺会誌 3:10-14,2012
3)内野眞也:診療における方向性 小児遺伝子性髄様がんの発症前診断と甲状腺全摘の時期.最新医 68:1867-1873,2013
4)高野徹:甲状腺濾胞がんの術前分子診断法の開発状況.最新医 68:1874-1879,2013
5)Taniguchi K, Takano T, Miyauchi A, et al:Differentiation of follicular thyroid adenoma from carcinoma by means of gene expression profiling with adapter-tagged competitive polymerase chain reaction. Oncology 69:428-435,2005
6)Cibas ES, Baloch ZW, Fellegara G, et al:A prospective assessment defining the limitations of thyroid nodule pathologic evaluation. Ann Intern Med 159:325-332,2013
7)Alexander EK, Kennedy GC, Baloch ZW, et al:Preoperative diagnosis of benign thyroid nodules with indeterminate cytology. N Engl J Med 367:705-715,2012
8)Yamada H, Takano T, Kihara M, et al:Measurement of TFF3 mRNA in aspirates from thyroid nodules using mesh filtration: the first clinical trial in 130 cases. Endocr J 59:621-630,2012
9)高野徹:芽細胞発癌(fetal cell carcinogenesis).日甲状腺会誌 4:81-85,2013
10)Takano T:Fetal cell carcinogenesis of the thyroid: a modified theory based on recent evidence. Endocr J 61:311-320,2014