今月の特集2 知っておくべき睡眠呼吸障害のあれこれ
●「睡眠障害国際分類 第2版」では,肥満-低換気症候群は神経・筋疾患/胸郭異常による睡眠関連低換気/低酸素血症の項目に含まれる.
●「睡眠障害国際分類 第2版」では,肥満-低換気症候群は神経・筋疾患/胸郭異常による睡眠関連低換気/低酸素血症の項目に含まれる.
1)American Academy of Sleep Medicine:International classification of sleep disorders, 2nd ed: Diagnostic and coding manual, Westchester, Illinois,2005
2)American Academy of Sleep Medicine:The AASM manual for the scoring of sleep and associated events: Rules, terminology and technical specification, Version 2, Darien,2012
3)Burwell CS, Robin ED, Whaley RD, et al:Extreme obesity associated with alveolar hypoventilation; aPickwickian syndrome. Am J Med 21:811-818,1956
4)野沢胤美:睡眠時無呼吸症候群の病態と対策.共済医報 32:20-29,1983
5)Auchincloss JH Jr, Cook E, Renzetti AD:Clinical and physiological aspects of a case of obesity, polycythemia and alveolar hypoventilation. J Clin Invest 34:1537-1545,1955
6)Severinghaus JW, Mitchell RA:Ondine’s curse─failure of respiratory center automaticity while awake. Clin Res 10:122,1962
7)Lugaresi E, Coccagna G, Berti Ceroni G, et al:“Ondine’s curse”: the disorder of respiration and sleep in primary alveolar hypoventilation. Sist Nerv 20:27-37,1968
8)Jung R, Kuhlo W:Neurophysiological studies of abnormal night sleep and the Pickwickian syndrome. Prog Brain Res 18:140-159,1965
9)Gastaut H, Tassinari CA, Duron B:Polygraphic study of the episodic diurnal and nocturnal (hypnic and respiratory) manifestations of the Pickwick syndrome. Brain Res 1:167-186,1966
10)Lugaresi E, Coccagna G, Mantovani M, et al:Effect of tracheotomy in hypersomnia with periodic respiration. Rev Neurol (Paris) 123:267-268,1970
11)Lugaresi E:Organizer symposium: hypersomnia with periodic breathing. Rimini, Italy, May 25-27, Bull Physiopath Resp 8:967-1292,1972
12)Guilleminault C, Eldridge FL, Dement WC:Insomnia with sleep apnea: a new syndrome. Science 181:856-858,1973
13)Guilleminault C, Van den Hoed J, Mitler MM:Clinical overview of the sleep apnea syndrome. In : Sleep apnea syndrome (Guilleminault C, Dement WC, eds), Alan R. Liss, Inc, New York,pp1-12,1978
14)Rochester DF, Enson Y:Current concepts in the pathogenesis of the obesity-hypoventilation syndrome. Mechanical and circulatory factors. Am J Med 57:402-420,1974
15)Block AJ, Boysen PG, Wynne JW, et al:Sleep apnea, hypopnea and oxygen desaturation in normal subjects, A strong male predominance. N Engl J Med 300:513-517,1979
16)Gould GA, Whyte KF, Rhind GB, et al:The sleep hypopnea syndrome. Am Rev Respir Dis 137:895-898,1988
17)Guilleminault C, Stoohs R, Clerk A, et al:A cause of excessive daytime sleepiness. The upper airway resistance syndrome. Chest 104:781-787,1993
18)Diagnostic classification of sleep and arousal disorders. 1979 first edition. Association of Sleep Disorders Centers and the Association for the Psychophysiological Study of Sleep. Sleep 2:1-154,1979
19)American Sleep Disorders Association:International classification of sleep disorders: Diagnostic and cording manual (Diagnostic Classification Steering Committee, Thorpy MJ, Chairman), Rochester,1990
20)Sleep-related breathing disorders in adults:recommendations for syndrome definition and measurement techniques in clinical research. The Report of an American Academy of Sleep Medicine Task Force. Sleep 22:667-689,1999
21)Carroll D:Pickwickian syndrome, 20 years later. Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc 86:112-127,1975
22)Walsh RE, Michaelson ED, Harkleroad LE, et al:Upper airway obstruction in obese patients with sleep disturbance and somnolence. Ann Intern Med 76:185-192,1972
23)Olson AL, Zwillich C:The obesity hypoventilation syndrome. Am J Med 118:948-956,2005
24)野沢胤美:睡眠ポリグラフィ.臨床神経生理学 34:180-188,2006