今月の特集1 認知症待ったなし!
1)Adlard PA, Tran BA, Finkelstein DI, et al:A review of β-amyloid neuroimaging in Alzheimer's disease. Front Neurosci 8:327,2014
C-Pittsburgh compound-B positron emission tomography carried out in addition to magnetic resonance imaging and single-photon emission computed tomography on the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease in patients with dementia and mild cognitive impairment. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 69:741-751,2015
3)FreeSurfer (http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/)
4)Hirata Y, Matsuda H, Nemoto K, et al:Voxel-based morphometry to discriminate early Alzheimer's disease from controls. Neurosci Lett 382:269-274,2005
5)Matsuda H, Mizumura S, Nemoto K, et al:Automatic voxel-based morphometry of structural MRI by SPM8 plus diffeomorphic anatomic registration through exponentiated lie algebra improves the diagnosis of probable Alzheimer disease. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 33:1109-1114,2012
6)Matsuda H:Role of neuroimaging in Alzheimer's disease, with emphasis on brain perfusion SPECT. J Nucl Med 48:1289-1300,2007
F-FDG PET interpretations in patients with cognitive disorders diagnosed according to NIA-AA criteria. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 29:1079-1086,2014
8)Matsuda H, Mizumura S, Nagao T, et al:Automated discrimination between very early Alzheimer disease and controls using an easy Z-score imaging system for multicenter brain perfusion single-photon emission tomography. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 28:731-736,2007