今月の特集2 がん分子標的治療にかかわる臨床検査・遺伝子検査
1)宮地勇人:がんの遺伝子診断と分子標的療法の展開 プレシジョン・オンコロジー時代における課題と対応.臨病理 63:1188-1193,2015
2)Aftimos PG, Barthelemy P, Awada A:Molecular biology in medical oncology: diagnosis, prognosis, and precision medicine. Discov Med 17:81-91,2014
3)Dietel M, Jöhrens K, Laffert MV, et al:A 2015 update on predictive molecular pathology and its role in targeted cancer therapy: a review focussing on clinical relevance. Cancer Gene Ther 22:417-430,2015
4)Pant S, Weiner R, Marton MJ:Navigating the rapids: the development of regulated next-generation sequencing-based clinical trial assays and companion diagnostics. Front Oncol 4:78,2014
5)Collins FS, Varmus H:A new initiative on precision medicine. N Engl J Med 372:793-795,2015
6)Jameson JL, Longo DL:Precision medicine--personalized, problematic, and promising. N Engl J Med 372:2229-2234,2015
7)Garraway LA, Verweij J, Ballman KV:Precision oncology: an overview. J Clin Oncol 31:1803-1805,2013
8)Li T, Kung HJ, Mack PC, et al:Genotyping and genomic profiling of non-small-cell lung cancer: implications for current and future therapies. J Clin Oncol 31:1039-1049,2013
9)宮地勇人:ファーマコゲノミクス検査における個人遺伝情報管理.Lab Clin Pract 32:12-17,2014
11)Feng FY, de Bono JS, Rubin MA, et al:Chromatin to Clinic: The Molecular Rationale for PARP1 Inhibitor Function. Mol Cell 58:925-934,2015
12)Stuckey AR, Onstad MA:Hereditary breast cancer: an update on risk assessment and genetic testing in 2015. Am J Obstet Gynecol 213:161-165,2015
13)Dubbink HJ, Deans ZC, Tops BB, et al:Next generation diagnostic molecular pathology: critical appraisal of quality assurance in Europe. Mol Oncol 8:830-839,2014
14)日本臨床検査標準協議会,遺伝子関連検査標準化専門委員会:遺伝子関連検査 検体品質管理マニュアル(承認文書),2011(http://www.jccls.org/active/MM5-A1.pdf)
15)Al-Kateb H, Nguyen TT, Steger-May K, et al:Identification of major factors associated with failed clinical molecular oncology testing performed by next generation sequencing (NGS). Mol Oncol 9:1737-1743,2015
16)Chen H, Luthra R, Goswami RS, et al:Analysis of pre-analytic factors affecting the success of clinical next-generation sequencing of solid organ malignancies. Cancers (Basel) 7:1699-1715,2015
17)Chang F, Li MM:Clinical application of amplicon-based next-generation sequencing in cancer. Cancer Genet 206:413-419,2013