今月の特集2 感染症診断に使われるバイオマーカー—その臨床的意義とは?
1)Wright SD, Ramos RA, Tobias PS, et al:CD14, a receptor for complexes of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and LPS binding protein. Science 249:1431-1433,1990
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5)Furusako S, Shirakawa K:Methods for detecting human low molecular weight CD14. United States Patent US7465547 B2, 2008
6)Yaegashi Y, Shirakawa K, Sato N, et al:Evaluation of a newly identified soluble CD14 subtype as a marker for sepsis. J Infect Chemother 11:234-238,2005
7)遠藤重厚,八重樫泰法,佐藤信博,他:新しい敗血症の診断マーカーである可溶性CDサブタイプの有用性について.エンドトキシン血症救命治療研会誌 9:46-50,2005
8)遠藤重厚,八重樫泰法,佐藤信博,他:敗血症における可溶性CD14と可溶性CD14サブタイプの比較検討.Med Postgrad 44:381-385,2006
9)Shozushima T, Takahashi G, Matsumoto N, et al:Assessment of soluble CD14-subtype values comparison of measurements during whole blood and plasma. Jpn J Crit Care Endotoxemia 14:218-221,2010
10)Okamura Y, Yokoi H:Development of a point-of-care assay system for measurement of presepsin (sCD14-ST). Clin Chim Acta 412:2157-2161,2011
11)Shozushima T, Takahashi G, Matsumoto N, et al:Usefulness of presepsin (sCD14-ST) measurements as a marker for the diagnosis and severity of sepsis that satisfied diagnostic criteria of systemic inflammatory response syndrome. J Infect Chemother 17:764-769,2011
12)石部頼子,小豆嶋立頼,高橋学,他:可溶性CD14サブタイプ(プレセプシン)は敗血症における重症度を良く反映する 1症例からの検討.日救命医療会誌 26:29-33,2012
13)小豆嶋立頼,高橋学,小鹿雅博,他:可溶性CD14サブタイプは敗血症の重症度を良く反映する 症例報告.岩手医誌 62:405-409,2010
14)Takahashi G, Suzuki Y, Kojika M, et al:Evaluation of responses to IVIG therapy in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock by soluble CD14 subtype monitoring. Med Postgrad 48:19-24,2010
15)Endo S, Suzuki Y, Takahashi G, et al:Usefulness of presepsin in the diagnosis of sepsis in a multicenter prospective study. J Infect Chemother 18:891-897,2012