今月の特集2 感染症診断に使われるバイオマーカー—その臨床的意義とは?
1)Kreder HJ, Armstrong P:The significance of perioperative cultures in open pediatric lower-extremity fractures. Clin Orthop Relat Res 302:206-212,1994
2)Buckle AM, Hogg N:The effect of IFN-gamma and colony-stimulating factors on the expression of neutrophil cell membrane receptors. J Immunol 143:2295-2301,1989
3)Kerst JM, de Haas M, van der Schoot CE, et al:Recombinant granulocyte colony-stimulating factor administration to healthy volunteers: induction of immunophenotypically and functionally altered neutrophils via an effect on myeloid progenitor cells. Blood 82:3265-3272,1993
4)van der Meer W, Pickkers P, Scott CS, et al:Hematological indices, inflammatory markers and neutrophil CD64 expression: comparative trends during experimental human endotoxemia. J Endotoxin Res 13:94-100,2007
5)Matsui T, Ohsumi K, Ozawa N, et al:CD64 on neutrophils is a sensitive and specific marker for detection of infection in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol 33:2416-2424,2006
6)清田淳子,加藤成隆,柾谷覚,他:健常成人の好中球上CD64 iCytを用いた基準値の検討.関東リウマチ 47:251-258,2014
7)Katoh N, Nishino J, Nishimura K, et al:Normal sequential changes in neutrophil CD64 expression after total joint arthroplasty. J Orthop Sci 18:949-954,2013
8)加藤成隆,西村慶太,西野仁樹,他:脊椎手術周術期における好中球上CD64分子発現量の挙動.関節の外科,in press
9)Tanaka S, Nishino J, Matsui T, et al:Neutrophil CD64 expression in the diagnosis of local musculoskeletal infection and the impact of antibiotics. J Bone Joint Surg Br 91:1237-1242,2009
10)加藤成隆,西村慶太,松下隆,他:骨関節軟部感染症における好中球上CD64分子発現量測定の有用性.日骨関節感染研会誌 26:57-61,2013
11)Doi T, Miyazaki T, Nishino J, et al:Neutrophil CD64 expression as a diagnostic marker for local infection and crystal-induced arthritis. Mod Rheumatol 20:573-579,2010
12)松井利浩:生物学的製剤投与中における好中球上CD64分子測定の意義.月刊リウマチ科 41:229-234,2009