今月の特集1 もっと知りたい! 川崎病
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11)Suzuki H, Uemura S, Tone S, et al:Effects of immunoglobulin and gamma-interferon on the production of tumour necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1 beta by peripheral blood monocytes in the acute phase of Kawasaki disease. Eur J Pediatr 155:291-296,1996
12)Asano T, Ogawa S:Expression of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in Kawasaki disease: the anti-inflammatory effect of gamma globulin therapy. Scand J Immunol 51:98-103,2000
13)Asano T, Ogawa S:Expression of IL-8 in Kawasaki disease. Clin Exp Immunol 122:514-519,2000
14)Jibiki T, Terai M, Kohno Y:High concentrations of interleukin-8 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in urine of patients with acute Kawasaki disease. Eur J Pediatr 163:749-750,2004
15)Inoue Y, Kato M, Kobayashi T, et al:Increased circulating granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in acute Kawasaki disease. Pediatr Int 41:330-333,1999
16)Oana S, Terai M, Kohno Y:Serum M-CSF levels in Kawasaki disease. Br J Haematol 107:462-463,1999
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19)勝部康弘,小川俊一:循環器疾患診療ツールとしてのバイオマーカー 小児循環器疾患.Heart View 16:96-102,2012
20)Ogawa S, Zhang J, Yuge K, et al:Increased plasma endothelin-1 concentration in Kawasaki disease. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 22(Suppl 8):S364-S366,1993
21)Matsuda A, Morita H, Unno H, et al:Anti-inflammatory effects of high-dose IgG on TNF-α-activated human coronary artery endothelial cells. Eur J Immunol 42:2121-2131,2012
22)Ebata R, Abe J, Yasukawa K, et al:Increased production of vascular endothelial growth factor-d and lymphangiogenesis in acute Kawasaki disease. Circ J 75:1455-1462,2011
23)大熊喜彰,山田律子,田中瑞穂,他:重症川崎病におけるテネイシンC値の推移に関する検討.心臓 45:1454-1456,2013
24)Sonobe T, Kiyosawa N, Tsuchiya K, et al:Prevalence of coronary artery abnormality in incomplete Kawasaki disease. Pediatr Int 49:421-426,2007
25)片山博視,森保彦,清水達雄,他:急性期に症状の揃わない川崎病のナトリウム利尿ペプチドによる診断の有用性.日小児循環器会誌 19:407-416,2003
26)Burns JC, Capparelli EV, Brown JA, et al:Intravenous gamma-globulin treatment and retreatment in Kawasaki disease. US/Canadian Kawasaki Syndrome Study Group. Pediatr Infect Dis J 17:1144-1148,1998
27)Yoshimura K, Kimata T, Mine K, et al:N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide and risk of coronary artery lesions and resistance to intravenous immunoglobulin in Kawasaki disease. J Pediatr 162:1205-1209,2013
28)Lubien E, DeMaria A, Krishnaswamy P, et al:Utility of B-natriuretic peptide in detecting diastolic dysfunction: comparison with Doppler velocity recordings. Circulation 105:595-601,2002
29)Takeuchi D, Saji T, Takatsuki S, et al:Abnormal tissue doppler images are associated with elevated plasma brain natriuretic peptide and increased oxidative stress in acute Kawasaki disease. Circ J 71:357-362,2007