今月の特集1 好塩基球の謎に迫る
2)Yasuda K, Matsumoto M, Nakanishi K:Importance of both innate immunity and acquired immunity for rapid expulsion of S. venezuelensis. Front Immunol 5:118,2014
3)Yasuda K, Muto T, Kawagoe T, et al:Contribution of IL-33-activated type II innate lymphoid cells to pulmonary eosinophilia in intestinal nematode-infected mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 109:3451-3456,2012
4)Sasaki Y, Yoshimoto T, Maruyama H, et al:IL-18 with IL-2 protects against Strongyloides venezuelensis infection by activating mucosal mast cell-dependent type 2 innate immunity. J Exp Med 202:607-616,2005
5)Matsumoto M, Sasaki Y, Yasuda K, et al:IgG and IgE collaboratively accelerate expulsion of Strongyloides venezuelensis in a primary infection. Infect Immun 81:2518-2527,2013
6)Moro K, Yamada T, Tanabe M, et al:Innate production of T(H)2 cytokines by adipose tissue-associated c-Kit(+)Sca-1(+) lymphoid cells. Nature 463:540-544,2010
7)Karasuyama H, Mukai K, Obata K, et al:Nonredundant roles of basophils in immunity. Annu Rev Immunol 29:45-69,2011
8)Seder RA, Paul WE, Dvorak AM, et al:Mouse splenic and bone marrow cell populations that express high-affinity Fc epsilon receptors and produce interleukin 4 are highly enriched in basophils. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 88:2835-2839,1991
9)Yoshimoto T, Tsutsui H, Tominaga K, et al:IL-18, although antiallergic when administered with IL-12, stimulates IL-4 and histamine release by basophils. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 96:13962-13966,1999
10)Kondo Y, Yoshimoto T, Yasuda K, et al:Administration of IL-33 induces airway hyperresponsiveness and goblet cell hyperplasia in the lungs in the absence of adaptive immune system. Int Immunol 20:791-800,2008
11)Siracusa MC, Saenz SA, Hill DA, et al:TSLP promotes interleukin-3-independent basophil haematopoiesis and type 2 inflammation. Nature 477:229-233,2011
12)Denzel A, Maus UA, Rodriguez Gomez M, et al:Basophils enhance immunological memory responses. Nat Immunol 9:733-742,2008
13)Yoshimoto T, Yasuda K, Tanaka H, et al:Basophils contribute to T(H)2-IgE responses in vivo via IL-4 production and presentation of peptide-MHC class II complexes to CD4+ T cells. Nat Immunol 10:706-712,2009
14)Sokol CL, Chu NQ, Yu S, et al:Basophils function as antigen-presenting cells for an allergen-induced T helper type 2 response. Nat Immunol 10:713-720,2009
15)Perrigoue JG, Saenz SA, Siracusa MC, et al:MHC class II-dependent basophil-CD4+ T cell interactions promote T(H)2 cytokine-dependent immunity. Nat Immunol 10:697-705,2009
16)Ohnmacht C, Schwartz C, Panzer M, et al:Basophils orchestrate chronic allergic dermatitis and protective immunity against helminths. Immunity 33:364-374,2010
17)Motomura Y, Morita H, Moro K, et al:Basophil-derived interleukin-4 controls the function of natural helper cells, a member of ILC2s, in lung inflammation. Immunity 40:758-771,2014
18)Min B, Prout M, Hu-Li J, et al:Basophils produce IL-4 and accumulate in tissues after infection with a Th2-inducing parasite. J Exp Med 200:507-517,2004
19)Obata-Ninomiya K, Ishiwata K, Tsutsui H, et al:The skin is an important bulwark of acquired immunity against intestinal helminths. J Exp Med 210:2583-2595,2013
20)Schwartz C, Turqueti-Neves A, Hartmann S, et al:Basophil-mediated protection against gastrointestinal helminths requires IgE-induced cytokine secretion. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111:E5169-E5177,2014