今月の特集1 尿検査の新たな潮流
1)淺沼克彦,日高輝夫,富野康日己:腎障害におけるポドサイトの役割.日内会誌 101:1092-1101,2012
2)淺沼克彦:Clinical nephrology 検査・診断 ポドサイト障害の評価法.Annual Review腎臓2014(富野康日己,柏原尚樹,成田一衛編),中外医学社,pp129-137,2014
3)富野康日己,小崎繁昭(監):尿中ポドサイト検査.臨病理レビュー 152:101-107,2014
4)Asao R, Asanuma K, Kodama F, et al:Relationships between levels of urinary podocalyxin, number of urinary podocytes, and histologic injury in adult patients with IgA nephropathy. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 7:1385-1393,2012
5)Hara M, Yanagihara T, Kihara I:Cumulative excretion of urinary podocytes reflects disease progression in IgA nephropathy and Schönlein-Henoch purpura nephritis. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2:231-238,2007
6)Asanuma K, Campbell KN, Kim K, et al:Nuclear relocation of the nephrin and CD2AP-binding protein dendrin promotes apoptosis of podocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104:10134-10139,2007
7)Kodama F, Asanuma K, Takagi M, et al:Translocation of dendrin to the podocyte nucleus in acute glomerular injury in patients with IgA nephropathy. Nephrol Dial Transplant 28:1762-1772,2013
8)Nielsen JS, McNagny KM:The role of podocalyxin in health and disease. J Am Soc Nephrol 20:1669-1676,2009
9)Hara M, Yanagihara T, Kihara I, et al:Apical cell membranes are shed into urine from injured podocytes: a novel phenomenon of podocyte injury. J Am Soc Nephrol 16:408-416,2005
10)Kanno K, Kawachi H, Uchida Y, et al:Urinary sediment podocalyxin in children with glomerular diseases. Nephron Clin Pract 95:c91-c99,2003
11)淺沼克彦:慢性腎臓病におけるポドサイト障害の役割.日臨免疫会誌 38:26-36,2015
12)Hara M, Yamagata K, Tomino Y, et al:Urinary podocalyxin is an early marker for podocyte injury in patients with diabetes: establishment of a highly sensitive ELISA to detect urinary podocalyxin. Diabetologia 55:2913-2919,2012
13)Imaizumi T, Nakatochi M, Akiyama S, et al:Urinary Podocalyxin as a Biomarker to Diagnose Membranous Nephropathy. PLoS One 11:e0163507,2016
14)Ikuma D, Hiromura K, Kajiyama H, et al:The correlation of urinary podocytes and podocalyxin with histological features of lupus nephritis. Lupus 27:484-493,2018
15)Hayashi T, Tokuriki S, Okuno T, et al:Urinary podocalyxin as a possible novel marker of intrauterine nephrogenesis and extrauterine podocyte injury. Pediatr Nephrol 32:1891-1896,2017
16)Rood IM, Deegens JK, Merchant ML, et al:Comparison of three methods for isolation of urinary microvesicles to identify biomarkers of nephrotic syndrome. Kidney Int 78:810-816,2010
17)Zheng M, Lv LL, Ni J, et al:Urinary podocyte-associated mRNA profile in various stages of diabetic nephropathy. PLoS One 6:e20431,2011
18)Fukuda A, Sato Y, Iwakiri T, et al:Urine podocyte mRNAs mark disease activity in IgA nephropathy. Nephrol Dial Transplant 30:1140-1150,2015
19)Iwano M, Yamaguchi Y, Iwamoto T, et al:Urinary FSP1 is a biomarker of crescentic GN. J Am Soc Nephrol 23:209-214,2012