今月の特集1 糖尿病関連検査の動向
1)Koga M:Glycated albumin; clinical usefulness. Clin Chim Acta 433:96-104,2014
2)Saisho Y, Tanaka K, Abe T, et al:Glycated albumin to glycated hemoglobin ratio reflects spostprandial glucose excursion and relates to beta cell function in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Diabetol Int 2:146-153,2011
3)Sakuma N, Omura M, Oda E, et al:Converse contributions of fasting and postprandial glucose to HbA1c and glycated albumin. Diabetol Int 2:162-171,2011
4)Tsutsumi C, Imagawa A, Onishi M, et al:Glycated albumin as a useful clinical biomarker for glycemic variability in type 1 diabetes assessed by continuous glucose monitoring. Diabetol Int 4:156-159,2013
6)Chujo K, Shima K, Tada H, et al:Indicators for blood glucose control in diabetics with end-stage chronic renal disease: GHb vs. glycated albumin (GA). J Med Invest 53:223-228,2006
7)Inaba M, Okuno S, Kumeda Y, et al:Glycated albumin is a better glycemic indicator than glycated hemoglobin values in hemodialysis patients with diabetes: effect of anemia and erythropoietin injection. J Am Soc Nephrol 18:896-903,2007
8)日本透析医学会:血液透析患者の糖尿病治療ガイド2012.日透析医学会誌 46:311-357,2013
9)Abe M, Hamano T, Hoshino J, et al:Is there a “burnt-out diabetes” phenomenon in patients on hemodialysis? Diabetes Res Clin Pract 130:211-220,2017
10)清水一紀,平松祐司,大森安恵,他:グリコアルブミンに関する検討委員会報告 糖尿病合併妊婦および妊娠糖尿病におけるグリコアルブミンと母児合併症に関する調査.糖尿病と妊娠 10:27-31,2010
11)Araki T, Ishikawa Y, Okazaki H, et al:Introduction of glycated albumin measurement for all blood donors and the prevalence of a high glycated albumin level in Japan. J Diabetes Investig 3:492-497,2012
12)Selvin E, Francis LM, Ballantyne CM, et al:Nontraditional markers of glycemia: associations with microvascular conditions. Diabetes Care 34:960-967,2011
13)Selvin E, Rawlings AM, Lutsey PL, et al:Fructosamine and Glycated Albumin and the Risk of Cardiovascular Outcomes and Death. Circulation 132:269-277,2015
14)Nathan DM, McGee P, Steffes MW, et al:Relationship of glycated albumin to blood glucose and HbA1c values and to retinopathy, nephropathy, and cardiovascular outcomes in the DCCT/EDIC study. Diabetes 63:282-290,2014
15)Mukai N, Yasuda M, Ninomiya T, et al:Thresholds of various glycemic measures for diagnosing diabetes based on prevalence of retinopathy in community-dwelling Japanese subjects: the Hisayama Study. Cardiovasc Diabetol 13:45,2014(http://www.cardiab.com/content/13/1/45)(最終アクセス:2019年8月23日)
16)Mukai N, Ninomiya T, Hata J, et al:Association of hemoglobin A1c and glycated albumin with carotid atherosclerosis in community-dwelling Japanese subjects: the Hisayama Study. Cardiovasc Diabetol 14:84,2015
17)Mukai N, Ohara T, Hata J, et al:Alternative Measures of Hyperglycemia and Risk of Alzheimer's Disease in the Community: The Hisayama Study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 102:3002-3010,2017
18)武井泉,星野忠夫,富永真琴,他:グリコアルブミン測定のJSCC勧告法.臨化 37:178-191,2008
19)Takei I, Hoshino T, Tominaga M, et al:Committee on Diabetes Mellitus Indices of the Japan Society of Clinical Chemistry-recommended reference measurement procedure and reference materials for glycated albumin determination. Ann Clin Biochem 53:124-132,2016
20)Sato A, Yada S, Hosoba E, et al:Establishment of glycated albumin unit conversion equation from the standardized value (mmol/mol) to the routinely used value (%). Ann Clin Biochem 56:204-209,2019
21)望月美恵,武者育麻,小林浩司,他:グリコヘモグロビンA1cとグリコアルブミン測定における施設間差縮小への課題.糖尿 62:S-278,2019