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今月の特集1 AI医療の現状と課題


著者: 新津葵一12

所属機関: 1名古屋大学大学院工学研究科 2国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構 さきがけ

ページ範囲:P.864 - P.869







2)Chu MX, Miyajima K, Takahashi D, et al:Soft contact lens biosensor for in situ monitoring of tear glucose as non-invasive blood sugar assessment. Talanta 83:960-965,2011
4)Liao YT, Yao H, Parviz B, et al:A 3μW wirelessly powered CMOS glucose sensor for an active contact lens. 2011 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, San Francisco, CA, pp38-40,2011
5)新津葵一:AIとIoTが切り拓く未来のヘルスケア・医療に資する半導体集積回路システム 世界初のグルコース発電素子と融合した単独自立動作可能な持続血糖モニタリング機能付きスマートコンタクトレンズの研究開発を通じて.金属 89:53-60,2019
6)Hayashi K, Arata S, Murakami S, et al:A 6.1-nA Fully Integrated CMOS Supply Modulated OOK Transmitter in 55-nm DDC CMOS for Glasses-Free, Self-Powered, and Fuel-Cell-Embedded Continuous Glucose Monitoring Contact Lens. IEEE Trans Circuits Syst II Express Briefs 65:1360-1364,2018
7)Niitsu K, Kobayashi A, Nishio Y, et al:A Self-Powered Supply-Sensing Biosensor Platform Using Bio Fuel Cell and Low-Voltage, Low-Cost CMOS Supply-Controlled Ring Oscillator With Inductive-Coupling Transmitter for Healthcare IoT. IEEE Trans Circuits Syst I Regul Pap 65:2784-2796,2018
8)Hayashi K, Arata S, Xu G, et al:A 385μm × 385μm 0.165 V 0.27nW Fully-Integrated Supply-Modulated OOK CMOS TX in 65nm CMOS for Glasses-Free, Self-Powered, and Fuel-Cell-Embedded Continuous Glucose Monitoring Contact Lens. 2018 IEEE Biomed Circuits Syst Conf (BioCAS), pp1-4,2018
9)Quan TM, Doike T, Bui DC, et al:AI-Based Edge-Intelligent Hypoglycemia Prediction System Using Alternate Learning and Inference Method for Blood Glucose Level Data with Low-periodicity. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Circuits and Systems (AICAS),2019
10)Niitsu K:Energy-autonomous biosensing platform using supply-sensing CMOS integrated sensor and biofuel cell for next-generation healthcare Internet of Things. Jpn J Appl Phys 57:1002A5,2018
0.165V 0.27nW Fully-Integrated Supply-Modulated OOK Transmitter in 65nm CMOS for Glasses-Free, Self-Powered, and Fuel-Cell-Embedded Continuous Glucose Monitoring Contact Lens. IEICE Transactions on Electronics E102. C:590-594,2019
12)Niitsu K, Nakanishi T, Murakami S, et al:A 65-nm CMOS Fully Integrated Analysis Platform Using an On-Chip Vector Network Analyzer and a Transmission-Line-Based Detection Window for Analyzing Circulating Tumor Cell and Exosome. IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst (TBioCAS) 13:470-479,2019
13)Kobayashi A, Ikeda K, Ogawa Y, et al:Design and Experimental Verification of a 0.19V 53 μW 65nm CMOS Integrated Supply-Sensing Sensor With a Supply-Insensitive Temperature Sensor and an Inductive-Coupling Transmitter for a Self-Powered Bio-sensing System Using a Biofuel Cell. IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst (TBioCAS) 11:1313-1323,2017
14)Niitsu K, Ota S, Gamo K, et al:Development of Microelectrode Arrays Using Electroless Plating for CMOS-Based Direct Counting of Bacterial and HeLa Cells. IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst (TBioCAS) 9:607-619,2015





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